
Title: Jane~ [Print]

Author: EmilyJunior    Time: 2009-8-1 21:43
endings are not important, hehe. it's not a hallmark to decide whether a book is superb or sucky.
Author: iris    Time: 2009-8-5 12:06
EmilyJunior: endings are not important, hehe. it's not a hallmark to decide whether a book is superb or sucky.
Maybe your're right.
So sometimes though I know a story without a happy ending, I still read it. Yes, something more important is waiting there.
Author: iris    Time: 2009-8-5 12:07
Edelweiss: You mean Jane Austen? I have finished &quotride and Prejudice" and "Sense and Sensibility". I prefer the former. I like her writing,
It's hard to say.
Half and half, maybe.
but we can still like her stories~
Author: iris    Time: 2009-8-5 12:12
小莫: Well, it's hard for me to decide whether the ending is a happy ending or not. Mr. Rochester has become blind with one arm missing. If any woman can ch
Sorry, maybe you misunderstanding me.
I didn't mean that story. I mean a writer named Jane Austin. You know her?
I also like the novel <Jane>, but at this time things we talked about has a little different.
Author: katielee    Time: 2009-8-5 12:26
iris: That's right.
I think everyone will meet something they can not deal with, so they come to the stories to look for a short out...
but at last, we shou
yeah, that's life, can't agree any more
Author: iris    Time: 2009-8-5 18:56
EmilyJunior: but what I mean is why should an unhappy ending be detested? The focus should be on its content, right?
Yes, stories with sad ending can also let us think more. and acturally wheather the ending is delighted or not, will not affect our commence of a great story~~
Author: sophia11    Time: 2009-8-21 07:45
I love Pride and Prejudice very much.I love Lisa.Her characteristics attracts me deeply.She is strong-minded,independent and personality.
Author: meng23qiao    Time: 2009-9-24 21:38
my favorite book is <Jane Eyre.>,her adamancy and patience make a deep impression on me.i love her  from junior school .
Author: iris    Time: 2009-9-27 22:35
meng23qiao: my favorite book is <Jane Eyre.>,her adamancy and patience make a deep impression on me.i love her  from junior school .
Ah uh~that is also a very moving story, I love it, too.
Could I mention that it is not written by Jane Austin, maybe your opinion has nothing to do with it, but I consider many people mix up Jane Austin and Jane Eyre, so I just confirm that~ Ok, have fun~~
Author: iris    Time: 2009-9-27 22:36
meng23qiao: my favorite book is <Jane Eyre.>,her adamancy and patience make a deep impression on me.i love her  from junior school .
Yeah, it is also an attractive novel, and I love it, too.

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