
Title: "Let's make love everywhere in our Guangzhou" ???!!! [Print]

Author: hengryzhu    Time: 2011-2-14 21:33
my god!!
Author: 怡兰    Time: 2011-3-18 01:17
ahah that's really funny!!
Author: suibianyu    Time: 2012-7-13 11:01
what a shame!!.  I think our government should recruit one qualified translator. .
Author: flying201314    Time: 2013-1-7 15:03
i am not in guangzhou,but i wish it be better and better
Author: Eukunland007    Time: 2013-2-14 10:52
the headline really mislead me at the first time and I was thinking about whether I should read the "yellow" topic. But finally I find it a jape.I gonna say OOPS!!

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