
Title: Do you think you are unique? [Print]

Author: Shirley    Time: 2008-12-10 21:32
Title: Do you think you are unique?
Every one is unique in this planet. Do you agree with me?
Then what will we bring to our family, group, community, society and this world?
For example, from checking data to address speech, what kind of different feeling can we bring to our peers? What kind of differnet impact can we bring to the organization?

Author: jj198017    Time: 2008-12-20 20:27
Yeh,i should be one unique man beacuse you cann's find another one like me.
Author: xiaokangreal    Time: 2008-12-25 18:58
I agree that everyone is unique on this planet at the first place,because every single person has his own system of thinking and behavior which generate its unique effect to the family,society and human beings maybe.But we may also response in the same way or give same answers to some questions at the same tiime.From this point of view , we are just the same as the others.So perhaps that's why we should persue the same view and leave the differences exist.
In all , I agree with that we should bring unique things as unique person .But it also should come from the same core that is the good willing.
Author: fangfeline    Time: 2009-1-2 23:26
dnapei: good saying.
I BeLieVe everyone is unique.
Everyone is born under a unique astrolabe.
So, do you believe fate?
We can't ignore the common things coz of  the individual.
Author: ada23    Time: 2009-2-6 16:42
If you do not think you are the unique, that means you lose yourself. No one can cover for what you undertake and the degree you think.

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