
Title: Tell me sth about your hometown [Print]

Author: danielrayslee    Time: 2009-6-18 16:13
Title: Tell me sth about your hometown
Tell me sth about your hometown, just about anything you like, scenery, food, people, places of interest, history, anything in your hometown or the town/city you live in you wanna share with us.
I think, by introducing sth about our hometown, our knowledge could be enriched in a fun way.

Author: catnfish    Time: 2009-6-20 11:51
this is a great topic! hehe, I'm in!

Beijing's my hometown, in which I've been living all my life. I've traveled here and there around China now and then and I enjoyed that very much. Yet beijing's my hometown, and it's something more than just a top north city.

You see everything here! The old and new; the rich and poor. Many modern skycrapers are built, and if you go to visit the CBD or finicial street area you'll see. on the contray, there are traditional temples and lanes spotted around every little coner where you can fully taste the authentic flavor of BJ

There's a lot more to discover, but I won't say, and it's good for u to explore by yourself ~
Author: Danny❤1989    Time: 2009-6-20 19:34
well~Xinjiang ,Urumqi is my hometown,which is a charming and mysterious city!!!Characteristics of landform of Xinjiang are described as mountains and basins alternating with each other and basins caught in mountains’ embrace. Local people simply describe this characteristic as “three mountains with a basin between each two”.Many "mosts" of China are found in Xinjiang -- the driest, hottest, and coldest places are in Xinjiang, and China's longest inland river, lowest land and greatest desert are here as well.
as is known to all,xinjiang is well-known  its fruits ,like watermelon ,grapes ...too sweet~umm....

Xinjiang is also abundant and unique in its tourist resources.
if u go there, u will be attracted by wild landscapes and particular combination of natural sights. Here, u can see snow-capped mountains stand in very hot land, and deserts neighbor on oases. Some famous scenic spots maybe have already been known to u, such as Tianchi Lake, Kanas Lake, Bosten Lake and Bayanbulak Grassland.
in a world,travel to the xinjiang is ur best choice!
Author: danielrayslee    Time: 2009-6-22 07:58
catnfish: this is a great topic! hehe, I'm in!

Beijing's my hometown, in which I've been living all my life. I've traveled here and there around China now and
Is there still a lot of Sihe Yuan (四合院)in Beijing?Someone from Tianjin told me that he found a lot of places in Beijing similar to those of  his hometown's, Sihe Yuan is one of them.
Well, that the old and the new exist alongside applies to view in Guangzhou, too. I guess this is the characteristic for the International cities.
Have you ever been to Guangzhou? If you do, could you compare these two cities to me?
And have you ever been to Shanghai? What's the different feeling these two cities give you?
Cos for the time being, I am not able to travel toBJ, I wish u could tell me more.
Author: catnfish    Time: 2009-6-22 09:57
Danny❤1989: well~Xinjiang ,Urumqi is my hometown,which is a charming and mysterious city!!!Characteristics of landform of Xinjiang are described as mountains and b
really?~ I want to travel xinjiang this summer for a few days!!~
Author: catnfish    Time: 2009-6-22 10:04
danielrayslee: Is there still a lot of Sihe Yuan (四合院)in Beijing?Someone from Tianjin told me that he found a lot of places in Beijing similar to those of  his home
havent been to Guangdong yet, and the closest bit might be Guangxi guilin-yangshuo I went.~ ha. Would love to go there and taste the awesom food~:)

yes the traditional typical bj style houses are still here and there~ hehe and they are pretty pricy now~

I've gone to shanghai last year sometimes around national holiday..hmm.. not many comments about that place.. I think the ppl are nicer than I expected, but the taxi drivers are way less friendly and hospitable than their beijing counterparts~

nightview of waitan's gorgeous... other than that there isn't much to recall.. one more thing is I found a really nice restaurant called little sesame?~(小芝麻、黑芝麻~) which has great food and competitive price ~highly recommend, since it's not easy to find good food matches its price there in shanghai~ ha just kidding

do you agree with me?~ would love to hear something about guangzhou ~ ^____^
Author: crazycool    Time: 2009-6-22 14:50
my hometown is the capital of a province, so it can be categorized as a big modern city.  It was built across the Yangtz river with the longest bridge in China. It does have some scentic spots but i prefer the food with the familiar smell and taste.
i have to say my hometown is an ancient city with abundant  history and traditional cultures  which are demonstrated by the ancient city walls surrounding its center.
despite the emotional association, i don't really like my hometown, because it is always overcrowded which brings a series of problems, such as traffic congestion, housing shortage, littering, interpersonal conflicts.....
hopefully, in the soon future, i will love my hometown in both emotional and enviromental ways
Author: danielrayslee    Time: 2009-6-22 15:07
crazycool: my hometown is the capital of a province, so it can be categorized as a big modern city.  It was built across the Yangtz river with the longest bridge
So, it's Nanchang of Jiangsu province you are talking about. At first I'd thought it's gonna be Si'an, which all associates with the ancient emperors, and stuff like that, as well as the modernizaion nowadays.
As for the longest bridge in China, would you mind telling me its name?
What's the traditional culture prevailing in your hometown right now?
Have you ever been to Jiangsi? I would like to know the difference between Jiangsu and Jiangsi, as I'd always found these two cities baffling similar to each other?
Is Jiangsu the place where beautiful girls are abundant?
And what about the ancient city walls? Who built them, would you mind sharing with me?
Author: danielrayslee    Time: 2009-6-22 15:21
Danny❤1989: well~Xinjiang ,Urumqi is my hometown,which is a charming and mysterious city!!!Characteristics of landform of Xinjiang are described as mountains and b
I am always amazed by Xinjiang, be it the views and the people living there, and also your culture.
What does Urumqi mean in your mother language? Does it mean the big mountains? And why do you call your hometown myserious? Is there really sth very particular about it? Tell me, I wanna know.
What's the longest inland river's name, both in English and Chinese?
I know there are a lotta raisins produced in your hometown. What kinda grapes do you have in your hometown?
Can you ride a horse, y'know, cos you are living in the mountains, right?
How come Xinjiang is both the hottest and the coldest place? What kinda climate does your homeland belong to?

Author: crazycool    Time: 2009-6-22 16:08
danielrayslee: So, it's Nanchang of Jiangsu province you are talking about. At first I'd thought it's gonna be Si'an, which all associates with the ancient emperors,
the questions you asked me are very fierce

but looked at your response to that Xinjiang guy, i'm so worried him
i believe he must put big effort to answer all Q's
but i like the Q's you asked himmy hometown is Nanjing not Nanchang, but it is in the Jiangsu Prov.
the longest bridge, i guess it must be Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge
the prevailing culture, i think citizens are still proud of living in a city that was the capital of 6 ancient dynasties.  and i think people still keep some culture the residents in the downstream of Yangtze should have  

i have not been to Jiangxi before, but i don't think it is similar to Jiangsu
beautiful girls are spreaded all over China, you can find them everywhere
the  ancient city walls were used to protect the city in the cold-weapon era
the government still keeps some parts of them as one of the symbol of Nanjing and  the places of interest for tourists
Author: Danny❤1989    Time: 2009-6-22 19:25
danielrayslee: I am always amazed by Xinjiang, be it the views and the people living there, and also your culture.
What does Urumqi mean in your mother language? Doe
well~first of all ,i want to clarify some facts that i'm Han people,not vigur ,my culture  is same as yours ~i can ride a horse  ,but i'm not living in the mountains,no !no!!i live in the city,urumqi!It's located in the plains ~it's also a modern city ,huh ~~

now i'm ur teacher,listen carefully ,my students!heh~   urumqi means 噶尔蒙古语,意为“优美的牧场”。not big mountain~   the local people has their own culture ,such as religion  ,food ,clothes...







sorry~my words r limitednext ,饮食习惯西域香味浓烈,各种食品色香味俱佳。烤羊肉串已风靡全国,烤全羊是新疆一大名馔。吃法别致的抓饭、手抓羊肉是少数民族最喜欢的食品,也是逢年过节、婚丧嫁娶的必备食品。脆香而薄的烤馕、烤包子、拉面、油馓子、油塔子 、薄皮包子、奶茶,则是少数民族的传统食品。牧区的少数民族能将牛奶、羊奶加工成八九种奶制品,或香或甜或酸,都带有浓郁的奶味,营养丰富,可饱口福。用马奶发酵而成的马奶子酒微喷酒香,清凉适口,沁人心肺。隆冬时节、寒风刺骨,但你可以看到街头不少人身披雪花,围着火炉在吃西瓜,这是最富有西域风情的饮食习俗.
Canus Water(喀纳斯湖:维吾尔族语“美丽富饶而神秘”的意思)i hear of some fish monsters in it ,it's amazing!but it's a pit i havent went therethe hottest place named Turpan 素有“火洲”之称的吐鲁番以炎热干燥闻名于世,被公认为我国气温最高的地方。
the coldest place in xinjiang最冷的地方在新疆的可可托海。它位于新疆富蕴县的阿勒泰山南麓,盛产各种矿产和宝石;沿着额尔齐斯河上游及其大小支流,自古就有“七十二沟,沟沟有黄金”的美称。



Finally.urumqi is located in the north of xinjiang,most Hans live there,most of vigurs被汉族同化了...  
Author: jing    Time: 2009-6-22 20:15
Danny❤1989: well~Xinjiang ,Urumqi is my hometown,which is a charming and mysterious city!!!Characteristics of landform of Xinjiang are described as mountains and b
Author: Danny❤1989    Time: 2009-6-22 22:19
crazycool: the questions you asked me are very fierce

but looked at your response to that Xinjiang guy, i'm so worried him
i believe he must put big effort to a
hey~i'm a girl!
Author: danielrayslee    Time: 2009-6-23 08:38
jing: alluring
Well, you wanna share sth about your hometown, also?
Author: danielrayslee    Time: 2009-6-23 08:40
Danny❤1989: hey~i'm a girl!
Not to worry, I guess he had not check your info before he wanted to mention about you.
Author: danielrayslee    Time: 2009-6-23 08:54
Danny❤1989: well~first of all ,i want to clarify some facts that i'm Han people,not vigur ,my culture  is same as yours ~i can ride a horse  ,but i'm not living i
Does the name 阿凡提 for the clever person always walking with a donkey also come from your language? 阿凡提 means clever, right? Which nationality does he belong to?
Aka, Aqia, wow, they kinda pronounce like Japanese.
Have you ever been to the mountains? You know, for those used to living in the plains, it's dangerous physically for them to go up to the mountains cos there's sth called the 高原症or 高山症,sth like that? Have you ever heard of it?
And in the Canus Water, there is the fish monster? Wouldn't it be cool if it were real? What kinda fish monster is passed into the lengend?
As for 天山, you mean the climate is kinda hot there owing to the geographical lands, right? But snow-capped mountains are also found around here, right? And another thing, is there really such thing called the “天山雪莲”?
Is the kinda plant "林芝" also found in Xingjiang?
The big purple grapes also grow in Xingjiang? You know, a lotta times I see green grapes being imported to Guangdong?
Thanks for telling me so much about your hometown, I'd love it.
Author: crazycool    Time: 2009-6-23 09:24
Danny❤1989: hey~i'm a girl!
i'm sorry,  i though "danny" was more like a boy's name

BTW   i'm happy to talk to a girl

i really like to ride a horse, galloping in the prairie,

roaring to the endless green grass and the enormous blue sky,

and listening to the echo like the remote mountain talking to

you. In the end you will find you are embraced and submerged in

between the sky and land,  

what a graet picture, i hope, one day, i could have chance to

have a try in Xinjiang
Author: crazycool    Time: 2009-6-23 09:38
danielrayslee: My apology that I did not realize the questions I asked is kinda fierce.
I am just kind of a curious boy, and I just wanna know more to broaden my vis
hi, i think you've quiet got what the cold-weapon era is

the walls were built to help the ancient soldiers to defend their enemy, i don't think anyone would encraved the names on it, since those walls should had been damaged  and rebuilt for many times

Yangzhou is another city in our province, i do think there are many good girls

i speak both mandarin and local dialect, and i should tell you tha the Nanjingese is too similar to the madarin, you will see it if you have the chance to come over for a tour
Author: danielrayslee    Time: 2009-6-23 09:59
crazycool: hi, i think you've quiet got what the cold-weapon era is

the walls were built to help the ancient soldiers to defend their enemy, i don't think anyon
Thanks for your reply, my dear friend.
Well, I'd kinda thought engineers had no choice but to encrave their names on the architectures they were in charge of building, for as usual, the ancient emperors imposed such a law so that whenever the buildings fall down, the engineers, alongside with his family members, would all be costing their necks(株九族)
Y'know, cos of such a law, the ancient buildings are usually stronger in structure than what we have nowadays.
And I just kinda imagine all the beautiful views in Yangzhou now, I sure wanna go there for a visit someday.
Thanks for sharing with me about your beautiful hometown.
Author: Danny❤1989    Time: 2009-6-23 11:57
danielrayslee: Does the name 阿凡提 for the clever person always walking with a donkey also come from your language? 阿凡提 means clever, right? Which nationality do
yeah!阿凡提~umm~it's one of my favorites in my childhood.i'm used to watching 阿凡提cartoon when i was young.He is too clever to landowners r afraid of him!his ass is also cute ~阿凡提 belongs to vigur nationality。





got it?

i have ever been to mountain named 南山~just  normal one,but i have a ball and appreciate its view,so charming!if u wanna have a   n adventure ,u could try to climb 天山 for challenge ~天山雪莲 灵芝,of course,they belongs to xinjiang as  famous medicinal material.

fish monster has another name"大红鱼“,i dont think it has bad effects on the view of canus water.if i have a chance ,i wanna see it!

a kinda of purple grapes r grown in xinjiang,i hear of this variety is  made by wine ~~grapes wine is also well-known~~

glad to u like it~   would u  mind telling sth about guangzhou ?anything is ok❤
Author: Janice    Time: 2009-6-23 16:15
No offense.But I do think that maybe we can get more knowledge about cities,celebrities and cultures,whatever, in Wikipedia , baike,etc.hehe~
Author: danielrayslee    Time: 2009-6-24 08:54
Janice: No offense.But I do think that maybe we can get more knowledge about cities,celebrities and cultures,whatever, in Wikipedia , baike,etc.hehe~
My beloved teacher, we can always get the information from the net, which in turn can be stuffed into our heads. But we still need human communication, we talk with our thoughts, our hometowns imprint within our minds a special kind of gift, then it's easy to imagine when we talk about the place where we had been raised up with a kinda emotion, a kinda passion, some kinda love, all these cannot be found on the net.
You don't wanna tell me anything about your hometown yourself
Author: Janice    Time: 2009-6-24 09:00
danielrayslee: My beloved teacher, we can always get the information from the net, which in turn can be stuffed into our heads. But we still need human communication
I'm always a lazy girl~~~
Author: danielrayslee    Time: 2009-6-24 09:05
Janice: I'm always a lazy girl~~~
But for me, just once, don't be lazy this time.
Author: Janice    Time: 2009-6-24 09:38
danielrayslee: But for me, just once, don't be lazy this time.
HoHo~~I seem to have set myself up for that.
Author: danielrayslee    Time: 2009-6-24 09:44
Janice: HoHo~~I seem to have set myself up for that.
You won't change your mind only this once for the student you love best
Author: loong    Time: 2010-2-14 16:34
my hometown is located at the bank of mekong river,it is an international river,in part of China,it is called lan cang jiang river,my home town was in changdu,which was small,and its tibetan mean is some place where two rivers come together,numerous mountains around it,althought is was small,it has sorts of commericial and adminstrative departments,because from changdu to chengdu,captal of SC via sichuan-tibet road,changdu became more prosperity,and active.date back to tang dynasty,Changdu is main transportation station of chama ancient pathway,it became a large fortified position and mastered trade actives among sichuan,yunan and guizhou province.with establishing proposal of sichuan-tibet railway,i think,our area will be better on economic and tourism,and also have predominace of miltary strategy。
Author: claire1229    Time: 2010-2-16 14:59
Beijing is a nice city, which produce people with busy schedule as well as convenient living conditions. Residents here have an enriched daily life, full of entertainment, challenge and opportunity. People here enjoy the advantageous while they deal with the pressure from being lived in Beijing.

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