
Title: female otaku [Print]

Author: Catten    Time: 2009-10-18 22:33
Title: female otaku
what do you think about" female otaku"?  It becomes more and more common in universities, maybe you will be a female otaku or male otaku.
Author: Yachne    Time: 2009-10-19 13:40
I think it is determined by somebody's character.
If you are an intraverted person you may prefer to stay at home, reading, surffing on the internet, or sleeping. Not going out for a whole day.
If you are an extraverted person, maybe there is less possibility for you to be an otaku. You may like to go out with your friends, or do some sports.
I cannot say it is good or bad. Because maybe I am a female otaku in a certain degree.
Author: Catten    Time: 2009-10-19 21:11
hehe,I agree witn you ,maybe I am a female otaku too in sometimes.
Author: Catten    Time: 2009-10-21 20:13
You are so lovely.
Author: sddzzqq    Time: 2009-10-21 20:45
partly i am a female otaku! but i have three part-time jobs. i would prefer to staying in the dorm except for the work.
Author: Catten    Time: 2009-10-21 20:53
How busy you are. Take care of youself.
Author: cabin    Time: 2009-10-30 16:40
sddzzqq: partly i am a female otaku! but i have three part-time jobs. i would prefer to staying in the dorm except for the work.
three part time jobs??
oh,please take care!
Author: cabin    Time: 2009-10-30 16:42
i want to be, and i am!

but it's ending!
i have to work,after a week later!
Author: sddzzqq    Time: 2009-10-30 17:27
cabin: three part time jobs??
oh,please take care!
yes, thank you! one is helping the teachers in office to deal with daily business in the working days after class. the other two are both part-time teachers in the weekend in two  educational institutions.
Author: Catten    Time: 2009-10-30 21:03
Hehe, A job is improtant.

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