
Title: What's the difference between "girl" and "woman" in English? [Print]

Author: lingfangsong    Time: 2009-12-8 09:38
I think that girl is pure and woman is maturity
Author: lingfangsong    Time: 2009-12-8 09:38
what do you think?
Author: sddzzqq    Time: 2009-12-8 20:20
there is another word "lady"! hehe
Author: sunnyv    Time: 2009-12-9 15:24
* A girl would normally mean a female in her teens up to her mid twenties.
* A woman would mean an ordinary female after her mid twenties.
* A lady would mean a married female. In England, a lady would mean a female with some status above a commoner. Example the wife of a nobleman.

How should you greet her when you can't be sure she is a girl, a woman or a lady?
To avoid receiving angry looks and unpleasant rebuke, the best is to greet her as a "lady".
Author: hazelkaka    Time: 2009-12-24 04:10
they are all named lady~
Author: linda@crab    Time: 2009-12-24 11:31
sunnyv: * A girl would normally mean a female in her teens up to her mid twenties.
* A woman would mean an ordinary female after her mid twenties.
* A lady wo
i think your answer always smart and accurate
Author: sunnyv    Time: 2009-12-25 11:55
linda@crab: i think your answer always smart and accurate
Thanks for your nice comments. Just and effort to help people understand things.
Author: linda@crab    Time: 2009-12-25 13:09
yeah, but what you said is good to practise our english,and understandable.   help each other!!
Author: loong    Time: 2010-2-15 18:20
girls are unmarried,childish,naive,unmatured,women are elder than girl

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