
Title: Avatar [Print]

Author: kinger1172    Time: 2010-1-15 10:42
i saw the 3D movie , the beautiful landscrape attract me ,like walking into dreaming place
Author: mickael    Time: 2010-1-22 15:03
According to a recent news, a tanwanese just died on account of watching the 3D version of Avatar. It is reported that the man had hypertension and felt uncomfortable during the movie, then died after delivering to the hospital.
That news remind people that if you have cardiac disease or hypertension, you should becareful during enjoying the 3D movie.
Author: hazelkaka    Time: 2010-1-24 09:34
It's so wonderful and the topic of this movie is very simple, they are just about the peace, love which not just focus on the man and woman, it's the love to the home. what's the truth for the humans? we are losing our kindness and rarely to considering  about others. this is the amazing aspect i like this movie, because it tells me the truth and make me to think more than before. that's why i love it although i watched it one month ago. It impress me so deeply!
Author: v87zhou    Time: 2010-1-24 23:33
I like the animals and the ethnicity.
Author: mickael    Time: 2010-2-9 15:34
The biggest IMAX screen in Asian just locate in GuangDong Science Museum. It begin to play the Avatar in this month, and attracted so many fans gather there for buying the tickets.
As the biggest IMAX screen in Asian, GDSM just use the cinema to play some movie for popularization of science, since they did not get the authority for business movie playing. But this situation has been changed recently, GDSM got the permission for playing movie in business running which can bring enormous money. My friend just queue up the line for buying tickets of Avatar, but the seller told him that there is no tickets in 3 days! That's ridiculous, just so many Avar fans in gz, geeze!
Author: tuberosa    Time: 2010-2-9 21:59
Quite beautiful .
I like those forests and flowers.
Author: Alice666    Time: 2010-2-11 08:37
Someone says this movie is a messege from GOD:
What we do to others, it will finally come to ourself, good or bad. Evil attract devil, love attract angel !!
Author: mindy    Time: 2010-2-11 20:38
I also like the song "I see you". I enjoy the rhyme and the lyric!
Author: sharontiantian    Time: 2010-3-13 21:25
Wonderful film!
When i saw the advanced wapon we human being used,a terrible feeling attack me......We human being are not the most powerful creature all over the world,we must show respect toward every species,then we can recieve good return from them.
Author: mindy    Time: 2010-3-23 19:56
'Cause she is so cute!

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