English Q&A
English Q&A
If you have any questions about English, post them here.
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  Threads Author/Time Replies Lastest Post
How to improve communicating skills? fairy0612 2010-5-23 23314 fairy06122010-5-29 21:37
who can help me to translate it?? i need your help badly troy飘 2010-5-26 21211 troy飘2010-5-27 17:44
电脑会取代书本吗? Phoebegong 2010-5-20 51621 lizzy_angel2010-5-21 21:27
do you like ice cream?and why? Amma 2010-4-22 54577 Amma2010-5-21 17:09
What technique I'd better go to learn other than languages? Lizzyjiang 2010-5-15 12224 AmTy2010-5-18 08:36
what's the best way of decribing'' benben'' Arlene.Xie 2010-11-29 33497 jimmy.sun2010-5-17 12:35
Booking Air Ticket Cilla 2010-5-11 61260 Cilla2010-5-14 22:38
what's this mean? pioneer 2010-4-9 31247 jimmy.sun2010-5-14 16:26
place to traval Velvet 2010-3-6 51248 liappleheart2010-5-12 22:34
I like her ,but i have nothing to say to her ,why ? pear 2010-5-5 81899 bubu198803072010-5-11 12:44
I can't listen to the radio on Dio, what should I do? fairy0612 2010-5-8 34254 fairy06122010-5-9 21:04
The difference between "love" and "like" Pennyniu 2010-4-24 92002 Freda2010-5-6 20:27
the facts: how to treat the facts in your daily life? Jessie0919 2010-3-9 51032 恶心虫2010-5-6 10:57
Favorite Songs Collection!! Snowflower 2010-4-9 43912 A-Yoo.2010-5-5 20:30
If the 8th pawnshop exists in reality, will you go and exchange for something? ofelia 2010-4-26 31177 Elinahaihong2010-4-27 14:25
Can you tell me some cartoons' names in English? Pennyniu 2010-4-21 51206 jimmy.sun2010-4-26 20:08
experience is so important??  ...234 linda@crab 2009-12-1 307317 linda@crab2010-4-25 19:31
French or Japanese liappleheart 2010-4-15 63706 liappleheart2010-4-24 14:17
the feeling of missing someone pioneer 2009-12-22 81378 Pennyniu2010-4-24 02:47
Kneel For Solutions:How to speak English like a native speaker? Snowflower 2010-4-10 51135 hellowq20102010-4-19 09:17

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