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Shares A Golden Time
teadrinking 2024-4-4 13:37
Springtime invites us to embark on leisurely hikes and nature walks, embracing the exhilarating resurgence of life all around us. They say that the seeds we sow in springtime determine the bounty of our harvests to come, making this season all the more pivotal. But amidst our pursuit of material p ...
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Shares Rebound in Spring
teadrinking 2024-4-2 18:43
During Qingming season, gentle rains softly fall. The spring showers not only nourish all life but also add a warm flow to this poetic time. Among the myriad competing flowers, lush greenery decorates every nook. The deep, resonant melody of spring thunder stirs the sleeping, reverberating throug ...
207 views|0 replies
Shares The Drizzle
Dempsey 2024-4-2 12:50
# The Drizzle The drizzle of last night Clouded up my window But rinsed is now the field Of my vision fully limpid The sky is still overcast But the sun sees it through That I am never in touch Of your heart rarely blue
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Shares April
Sumingyu 2024-4-1 16:23
1 Memorial day draws near. Weather turns quite clear. Back from parent s ' grave. What good life they gave! 2 I'd like to watch the alien plays. Our native ones fail me always. Something charms me in them. The domestic tempt us seldom. 3 When praised not too happy. When blamed not ...
283 views|16 replies
Shares 2024-March 28th-eraly morning
tomlu6 2024-3-28 08:09
Today i wake up by my wife on 6:45 am,she need me to take our son to school. then i go to my officeroom. now i think about own lifes meaning. why i born,why i study,why i work,why i what do? too why? i don't undetstand. i need more thinks!
248 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Rebirth After the Rain
teadrinking 2024-3-25 19:21
The spring rain arrived overnight, its gentle touch causing pear blossoms to scatter across the ground like confetti. Amidst the pitter-patter of raindrops, diligent bees continued their tireless work, flitting among the flowers to gather pollen, ensuring the hive's bounty. Blossoms, nourished by t ...
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Shares Joy in Springtime
teadrinking 2024-3-23 15:04
Spring warmth and blossoms epitomize nature's most treasured offerings, symbolizing the miraculous cycle of life's renewal year after year. It heralds a season of rejuvenation, where the world adorns itself in a wonder of hues, with flowers blooming in profusion and trees awakening with verdant vi ...
171 views|0 replies
Shares Inward Exploration
teadrinking 2024-3-15 16:31
When time is surrendered to solitude, life quietly withdraws from the public eye. Henceforth, amidst the ebb and flow of existence, the crescent moon of the soul remains a steadfast companion in the darkest moments. Farewell to the pursuit of materialism ushers in a burgeoning of spiritual wings. T ...
204 views|0 replies
Shares Sometimes, you are always scolded on your right.
Sophia.JIANG 2024-3-12 18:57
There seems to be less reader in this English Blog Web than before, though I still use it as a way to record my mind as there is no other where to express. 翻译 搜索 复制 Today I was scolded on being late to the surgery room. It was said "As a resident doctor, you should take company with yo ...
374 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Nature's Masterpiece
teadrinking 2024-3-8 21:30
The trees around me are erupting in a chapter of vibrant greens. Each bud, a tiny emerald fist, uncurls to reveal its heart, tender and new like a newborn's. It's a season of genesis, where everything awakens, stretching and yawning towards the sun. Like a hidden code being unveiled, the very esse ...
184 views|0 replies


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