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Sponsored link: Some useful and practical books that will help you to improve your English writing skills.
Shares Timer in Every Tick
teadrinking 2023-10-31 18:04
As the river of time weaves its threads, it becomes the undeniable evidence of your continual growth, a living testament to your never-ending evolution. It stands as a testament to the vast distance you've traveled from the fragility of your former self. With every passing second, you're not merel ...
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Shares Breakthrough After Action
teadrinking 2023-10-29 09:53
In the palace of the mind, thoughts and ideas flicker into existence, shimmering briefly before fading into oblivion unless they're given purpose or closure on their destiny. They possess an uncanny power—left to their own devices, they either evaporate into the ether or establish an unyielding s ...
186 views|0 replies
Shares What to Say When I come back here again?
freefu55 2023-10-29 02:28
Toolong since I left here. Also, too many pages writing I have posted here. I am a person with huge energic passion, when I fix a goal, I will try no effort to complete it. Ambition is growing when I am in youth, but now, I can accept more things especially my common. To be common is not a bad ...
319 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Mind Sculpting Through Writing
teadrinking 2023-10-28 13:59
Expressing thoughts orally allows for a spontaneous outpouring of ideas. Words flow freely, sentences might remain incomplete, yet as long as everyone comprehends, the communication serves its purpose. Verbal exchange prioritizes speed, and efficiency is evident in live interactions. Howev ...
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Shares Ultimate Meaning of Words
teadrinking 2023-10-27 21:54
The ultimate purpose of words is to record and convey information. They transcend the physical realm of spoken language, allowing information to spread widely on a spiritual level, while also enhancing the efficiency and precision of human communication. Words are like seeds that can grow into tow ...
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Shares 2023-10-27
Dempsey 2023-10-27 14:25
When the dear words of others are projected like a beam of light into my heart, where certain passions have been dormant for a long time, certain seeds of thoughts not even realized by myself are awakened by this light to make their first buds sprout and the flowers bloom. The pleasure of being to ...
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Shares Life Itself: A Poem
teadrinking 2023-10-26 20:03
Life is but a poem, brimming with the full spectrum of emotions, ranging from joy to anger, sorrow to happiness, and the comings and goings of loved ones. Every tiny fragment of our experiences becomes an integral part of this poetic adventure. Poetry, however, is not always adorned with g ...
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Shares 26 October
Sumingyu 2023-10-26 12:45
Like man nature needs a rest. In winter she is to enjoy best. Now we all have a warm nest. No one has reasons to detest. 30 October Father, mother and wife all died. Son lives far, seldom at my side. Soon will come winter and snow. I alone seal every north window. 31 October I have been the ...
649 views|0 replies
Shares Be Good to Yourself
teadrinking 2023-10-25 19:34
In the grand whole life, there are compelling reasons that beckon us to be kind to ourselves. Each facet of this once-in-a-lifetime experience unveils the essence of self-care and self-discovery, and it is imperative that we take heed of these guiding principles. Guardian of Your Precious ...
267 views|0 replies
Shares Loyalty And Neglect
teadrinking 2023-10-24 18:38
For a span of over two years, this resilient dog has endured life's trials. It has matured from an exuberant puppy into a larger yet somewhat undersized adult, its growth stunted by insufficient nourishment. The cruel grip of hunger periodically tightens its belly, compelling it to scour the refus ...
253 views|0 replies


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