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Sponsored link: Some useful and practical books that will help you to improve your English writing skills.
Shares 11 December
Sumingyu 2023-12-12 10:10
It costs much raising children. Some people take it a burden. They refuse to bear any child, Escaping duty fulfilled in wild. 12 December With wings little bird hit ground. Then her young made no sound. For a snake was hunting around. Attacked,for elsewhere it bound. 13 December Here coldes ...
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Shares Crescendo of Time
teadrinking 2023-12-11 20:37
Life, a symphony unseen, unfolds grand, Not a candle's disband, but notes at hand. Time's gentle hand guides each fleeting year, A melody of triumph, joy, and tear. No depletion, but experiences vast, A tapestry woven, memories cast. In quiet moments, beauty takes hold, R ...
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Shares The Night Errands
teadrinking 2023-12-10 22:35
Against the canvas of the night sky, stars emerge as radiant beacons, casting their gentle glow upon the vast abyss of darkness. Far from asserting dominance, these celestial luminaries embody a subtle symphony of compassion and kindness for those navigating the complexities of life. Serving as co ...
138 views|0 replies
Shares 7 December
Sumingyu 2023-12-7 09:23
Fresh onions must be welcome, So I decided to purchase some. At noon I could go to that shop, Meters away from the bus stop. 8 December Don't ignore place you stand. Many resources just at hand. Useless to envy foreign land. Think people fight wild sand. 9 December The lioness tried to kill ...
183 views|0 replies
Shares 4 December
Sumingyu 2023-12-4 09:49
I happened to gain much wood. But I just was in a worse mood, For I lost that sickle quite good. I looked everywhere as I could. 5 December Trying hard we can't earn success. Absent-minded we make progress. The statement here seems untrue. But many things may really prove. 6 December I boug ...
227 views|0 replies
Shares 30 November
Sumingyu 2023-11-30 09:29
The walking in step is a surprise. It needs to practise the exercise. These guards have to train hard At cost of their sweat and blood. 1 December Around mouth appears frost. My freedom hasn't been lost. I'll start anytime I would like With the help my lovely bike. 2 December Bread tastes g ...
219 views|0 replies
Shares Calm Under the Gale
teadrinking 2023-11-29 21:49
As the last vestiges of autumn surrender to the cold arrival of winter, the world transforms into a hushed, snow-dusted wonderland. The fallen leaves, once a riot of vibrant hues, now lie scattered across the earth, their vibrant colors dulled by the approaching frost. The once warm breezes have t ...
227 views|0 replies
Shares 2023-11-29
Dempsey 2023-11-29 16:20
# I Am a Tragedy I am a tragedy To receive from God Things that are lost For being cast away Should I say— Let the tragic nature Take its course? # Stay Up Steal a little bit From under the lamp Time in the night And do ...
176 views|0 replies
Shares Instinctive Decline
teadrinking 2023-11-28 19:18
In that pivotal moment when I declined the offer, it felt like an instinctive response guided by an intuitive understanding that something was awry. It was as though I had tuned into a subtle dissonance, a misalignment between words and deeds that signaled a lack of genuine collaboration potential ...
147 views|0 replies
Shares A Slice of Connection
teadrinking 2023-11-27 21:06
The first time I visited the apartment of my American friend, who was an English teacher at a nearby college, marked a significant moment as I was on the verge of graduating. Our friendship had its roots in chance encounters at the English corner, where our initial interactions laid the foundation ...
210 views|0 replies


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