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Shares You are a murder, and you have to be.
Sophia.JIANG 2023-10-23 21:17
Every time when I think of some confusing topic, it is the time that I want to visit my blog. 翻译 搜索 复制 The story happened last Friday, on my night duty in the Obstetrics Wards( the place where women give birth in a hospital). I was new and nervous as the only doctor in responsible for ...
207 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares 23 October
Sumingyu 2023-10-23 09:19
I have ever overused my waist. As result, it left me a bad taste. But now it has got much better Ten days after death of mother. 24 October I'll apply for pay for the funeral. Friday might finish the disposal. Then that money is sent to son. It can't be owned by other one. 25 October I move ...
169 views|0 replies
Shares Firm Hug of Autumn
teadrinking 2023-10-22 22:20
With the return of the gentle sunshine, the world again awakens in a splendid chapter of life. Each living being breathes a sigh of relief, and the landscape undergoes a miraculous transformation. Nature herself seems to pick up a paintbrush and passionately drenches the canvas with the full spect ...
249 views|0 replies
Shares write word 2023-10-21
qianjin 2023-10-21 10:16
1.gradual 逐渐的,平缓的 eg.We all mustdie one day,and the illness which is removing me is not painful;it is gentle and gradual:my mind is at rest. 总有一天我们大家都得死去。现在正夺去我生命的疾病并不痛苦。既温和而又缓慢,我的心灵已经安息。 2.profound 巨大的,深刻 ...
173 views|0 replies
Shares Musing in the Deep night
teadrinking 2023-10-20 18:42
Ever since I stepped into my nocturnal sojourns across the cityscape, I've unveiled a clandestine world that remains veiled during the sunlit hours. My nighttime jogs have evolved into a profound source of physical well-being and a sanctuary from the infinite demands of the office. It's a reasonab ...
266 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares 2023-10-19
Dempsey 2023-10-19 11:19
Do not be easily affected by unfavourable views, or jealous of anyone more outstanding, or frequently yell that "I am devastated." The best way out for diligence is that it doesn’t serve for a design, but for an affluent lifestyle. Industry fetches delight when it’s innocent, or inc ...
103 views|0 replies
Shares A Life Without Love is Not Worth to Live
2amlittle 2023-10-18 19:53
True love is belong to the people who is brave. Love is an eternal topic for humanity, people always say that love is complex. The reason why they say love is complex is that the two person who in love is notstillness. People is always in change and when they changed their needs would al ...
157 views|0 replies
Shares 2023-10-18
Dempsey 2023-10-18 13:17
A man lacking in self-possession is very often a man who conducts himself awkwardly, and the awkwardness is not from the lack of knowledge in behaviour, but in disposition. I am active to tell unhappy stories about myself. I think, in any case, I am showing myself without make-up. Tho ...
112 views|0 replies
Shares 18 October
Sumingyu 2023-10-18 11:52
Mother died with nothing to regret. And I have never gotten too upset. At least she enjoyed devoted care. Looking ahead, I sink into despair. 19 October Mother lived ninety-two years. As she died I was not in tears. We saw her quietly pass away. The funeral was held next day. 20 October Sh ...
135 views|0 replies
Shares Morning Monologue
teadrinking 2023-10-17 21:35
Through the patchwork of his eighty-something years, a singular motif emerges—the unswerving devotion to early morning awakenings. With eyes barely parted from the realm of dreams, this elderly gentleman commences his daily ritual, tracing the familiar pathways around his surroundings. Ho ...
137 views|0 replies


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