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Shares Ongoing Strength
teadrinking 2023-9-25 23:30
In each passing day, a story unfolds, No moment's meaningless, as life's tale it holds. Chance is the key to miracles unknown, In the dance of uncertainty, our seeds are sown. Even the tiniest stone by the roadside lay, Carries a history, in its quiet way. Think of the munda ...
224 views|0 replies
Shares Garden Whispers
teadrinking 2023-9-24 19:24
As I step into the garden, I'm immediately greeted by the enchanting treatment of autumn. The entire scene is a masterpiece, as if nature itself had taken up the art of decorating. The cool and gentle breeze playfully rustles the grass, trees, and flowers, adding a soothing orchestration of whispe ...
143 views|0 replies
Shares What A Birthday
teadrinking 2023-9-23 22:43
Mr. Smith returned home, fatigued from another long day at work. After dropping his briefcase, he immediately reached for a beer, swiftly downing it within a minute. He then slumped into the sofa in the dimly lit sitting room. With one hand, he absentmindedly pointed the remote at the TV, aimlessl ...
214 views|0 replies
Shares Lost in Literature
teadrinking 2023-9-22 20:39
The girl sat alone in her seat against the window and meanwhile next to the aisle, fully immersed in the book she held in her hands. Her posture exuded a graceful elegance, a serene figure lost in the world of words, a figure from the quality of self-cultivation. As I walked past, a surge of curio ...
327 views|0 replies
Shares 2023-09-21
Dempsey 2023-9-21 11:04
Prejudice is the only standard of those which don't have scientific standards. A disciplined life takes you to envision your future, and a casual life helps you relish the present. There is encounter before there is the charm of life.Sometimeswe need no ...
156 views|0 replies
Shares Notes of Serenity
teadrinking 2023-9-20 21:01
Amidst my run, a tranquil grace did bloom, A newfound peace, dispelling any gloom. As pages turned, stories came alive and danced, In their essence, life's profound romance enhanced. In nature's grandeur, beauty all around, Each vista a masterpiece, a treasure to b ...
206 views|0 replies
Shares 20 September
Sumingyu 2023-9-20 11:22
Cabbage hearts continue to grow Day by day at a speed quite slow. I want them to be hard and tight; No more as loose as now in sight. 21 September It's improper to inhabit there. The dampness I cannot bear. I'm really used to living here. Conditions are nice and dear. 22 September The farm ...
201 views|0 replies
Shares A Day of Joy
teadrinking 2023-9-19 08:45
As the sun gracefully ascends the sky, its gentle rays embrace the world, infusing it with warmth that falls delicately short of the scorching intensity of summertime. The morning dew, a cunning artisan, glistens like a myriad of crystalline treasures, its purpose clear: to cleanse the earth, bath ...
455 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares Unveiling the Cover of Character
teadrinking 2023-9-18 22:23
Understanding a person's character may appear as a sophisticated art form, but in reality, it demands no intricacies. Put simply, it can be ascertained by observing their actions rather than merely relying on their spoken words. What assumes even greater significance is the careful scrutiny of the ...
118 views|0 replies
Shares Strong Survivor
teadrinking 2023-9-17 18:16
The cactus spent less than three months in its small pot, enduring the scorching heat of summer. Yet, this plant seemed utterly unfazed by the relentless sun. The previously grown cacti were the living proof of this remarkable resilience. They thrived, undeterred by rain or intense sunlight, regar ...
144 views|0 replies


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