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Shares go out the comfort cycle
Lunatic 2024-6-14 23:11
Most of us like stay in a comfort cycle. But if we enjoy in the cycle too long, we will become lazy and small-horizon. It is tough to go out the cycle ,but that's the way toward gold and success. First, we should broaden our minds and break the tradition, even sometimes we should resist the cu ...
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Shares Play is important
Lunatic 2024-6-14 00:02
Today, I saw a video in which is an old man says that he be regret for he focused on his work too much to have not time to enjoy with family and friends. He told " Play is important and joy is important". I agree with him. Paying attention to play is not mean that we just play and do nothing work. I ...
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Shares A Better Self
teadrinking 2024-6-13 21:37
Since being involved in my own business venture, I have found a new sense of relaxation and independence. Much like a butterfly, one must endure highs and lows, facing both losses and gains. It is through these challenges that a caterpillar evolves into a butterfly, inheriting beauty and freedom. T ...
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Shares Room for growing
freefu55 2024-6-12 14:49
As it is not young for me and at this point in life I get the hint I have still a big room for growing. First, do things after your brain gives you cammand, do not listen your heart tells you, because heart is always sensible while brain gives you is a matter of thinking, only when you don't k ...
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Shares Just do it
Lunatic 2024-6-11 22:33
Even though a week has gone, it seems that I don't have much progress in English writing. I have recited some sentences but I still do not know how to use them flexibly. But I believe the situation will get better. Everything is developing. The only thing we need to do is to persist in the right way ...
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Shares Rainy Season
teadrinking 2024-6-11 21:57
With the arrival of the traditional rainy season, the air is once again filled with that muggy, humid scent. Of course, this doesn’t mean I dislike the rainy season; after all, it has always been like this. In these damp days, heavy rain and bright sunshine alternate, creating a unique landscape. ...
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Shares why we should write more
Lunatic 2024-6-10 22:50
A workspace dominated by time on screens may seem bound to favour newer, faster and more visual ways of transmitting information. But an old form of communication --writing-- is also flourishing. The value of writing is a staple in management thinking. "The discipline of writing something down is th ...
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Shares why you still single
Lunatic 2024-6-8 16:32
When we are old enough to get marry, we are always asked " why you still single?" Actually, keeping single is because the girl I like don't like me. I try but seem to fail although we still are friend now. Even though meeting someone who you are like each other is very lucky, I feel comfortable and ...
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