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Shares The Road Discovered
teadrinking 2023-10-16 14:06
In the early morning, as I made my way to the subway station, I couldn't help but notice a rather unconventional sight – a half-naked man vigorously jogging alongside the road. He appeared somewhat eccentric, yet there was an undeniable aura of determination and confidence about him. As I passed ...
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Shares From Maiden to Warrior
teadrinking 2023-10-15 21:22
When the sun once again kisses the land with its tender, golden rays, the world transforms into a breathtaking tableau as enchanting as a gentle and mild maiden. Yet, as autumn unfurls its grandeur, it reveals a different facet, akin to a sturdy and unquenchable warrior, standing resolute in the f ...
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Shares 2023-10-15
Dempsey 2023-10-15 13:52
If the world only gives you ten percentof warmth and ninetypercentof pain, how will you respond? Do you still givebackin the same proportion? From the world itself there isno warmth,whose every share in factcomesfrom every man. If ...
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Shares From Subway to Solitude
teadrinking 2023-10-14 19:37
Subway Girl's daily existence is a relentless chase, caught in the swirling currents of city life, perpetually chasing her subway lines and racing against the clock. Her mornings often start in disarray, for she frequently sleeps late, succumbing to the temptations of youth and late nights. As the ...
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Shares Autumn's Brush
teadrinking 2023-10-13 20:28
In a quaint little town nestled at the base of rolling hills, autumn had arrived with a gentle touch. The air was no longer icy, but it still carried a whisper of warmth from the departing summer. Leaves of various shades, from vivid green to fiery red, adorned the trees, and the town's streets we ...
321 views|3 replies Hot 1
Shares Echoes of the Forgotten City
teadrinking 2023-10-12 23:26
Amid the vast expanse of a once-thriving desert, where time had buried the memories of a forgotten city, a lone traveler, Ariadne, embarked on a journey of discovery. The wind carried with it the whispers of an ancient civilization, a tale waiting to be unraveled. The city's name had been ...
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Shares Following My Hunch
teadrinking 2023-10-11 20:22
That evening, I found myself at a pivotal moment in my career, the future uncertain and shrouded in mystery. It all began with an enigmatic proposal during a car ride, hinting at a fresh start in an unfamiliar place. Intrigued, I couldn't help but ask, "Could you tell me more about this pr ...
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Shares 2023-10-11
Dempsey 2023-10-11 16:33
A group of birds rest in a tree. If the tree is cut down, would the birds disappear? They wouldn’t. There are no birds in the single tree, but they have been elsewhere. In the same way, some thoughts and feelings inhabit a human body, would they disappear once the body is cremated? No, they are s ...
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Shares The Nocturnal Autumn Rain
teadrinking 2023-10-10 21:48
In the hushed stillness of the night, the autumn rain descends from the heavens with a grace reminiscent of a prima ballerina taking the stage for the first time. Its presence is not merely an ordinary meteorological event; it's a theatrical performance of nature's most enchanting beauty. Each rai ...
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Shares 2023-10-09
Dempsey 2023-10-9 18:31
Someone says I give up now so that I wouldn’t regret as late as my sixties, but I say I would succeed if I persist eventually till my sixties. There are a great many people far more capable than you to do a great thing, but the one who wants to do the thing most is no other than your ...
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