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Shares Chill In Time
teadrinking 2023-11-16 22:39
In the hush of twilight, a chill in time, Night's embrace, a cadence, a shivering rhyme. Winter whispers, a tale in the breeze, Siberian winds, artisans of the freeze. Through vast kilometers, their journey unfolds, A formidable force, as the story is told. Turning all in th ...
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Shares 16 November
Sumingyu 2023-11-16 10:10
This drizzle turned into snow. And no wind seemed to blow. Now I have a long way to go. However no end would show. 17 November After early death of her husband, Parents-in-law aren't abandoned. She rejected any advice to leave For favor she might ever receive. 18 November I couldn’t conn ...
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Shares Wisdom Over Ignorance
teadrinking 2023-11-16 09:25
Ignorance often breeds unwarranted confidence, as the uninformed may proceed with boldness due to their lack of awareness. In stark contrast, individuals endowed with genuine knowledge and rich experiences refrain from hastily unsheathing their swords or revealing their fangs. Their wisdom impels ...
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Shares Hope and Persist for Victory
teadrinking 2023-11-15 13:19
Commencing upon a journey towards one's passion demands an unwavering commitment, a dedication so profound that it propels every ounce of energy into the chosen field. Success is not an overnight phenomenon; it is a meticulously crafted masterpiece, akin to the construction of Rome, where each exe ...
295 views|0 replies
Shares Coding Enigma Unveiled
teadrinking 2023-11-14 18:38
In the heart of his room, a sanctuary of intellectual potential, the boy's bookshelves stand as silent sentinels to his aspirations. A multitude of volumes, neatly aligned, creates an encyclopedia of knowledge waiting to be unraveled. The predominant theme, an ode to the realm of IT, boasts titles ...
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Shares 2023-11-14
Dempsey 2023-11-14 18:25
Much of the time, we insist on appearing more beautiful and excellent in the eyes of others and the public’s evaluation, so we train ourselves, build ourselves and package ourselves according to the public’s definition of “beauty” and “excellence”, striving to meet and comply with the set of ...
237 views|0 replies
Shares Tale of Winter
teadrinking 2023-11-13 23:41
In winter's hush, a new dawn unfolds, A season's embrace, as tales are told. Cooling anxieties, a soothing balm, Nerves unwind in the season's calm. Chilly days, in temperatures low, Yet within, a warmth begins to grow. Each day, a page in life's grand tome, A story unfol ...
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Shares 13 November
Sumingyu 2023-11-13 09:19
She gave friendly help then. It is time to repay in return. Here we've something rare. So she could enjoy a share. 14 November I enjoy the peace and solitude. Good to take religious attitude. I would get used to such state, Living alone without any mate. 15 November I can ride on the countr ...
193 views|0 replies
Shares Baptism in Melancholy
teadrinking 2023-11-12 09:50
In the early hours, the fine drizzle persisted, showing no signs of abating. It continued unabated, as carefree as a child playing in the fields, seemingly without a care in the world. This genuine and innocent natural scene resembled moments from childhood, playing with friends, and suddenly, the ...
227 views|0 replies
Shares Tranquil Morning
teadrinking 2023-11-11 11:08
Walking on the tree-lined path covered with fallen leaves, accompanied by the brisk autumn breeze, there is a delightful sense of enjoyment. The damp trail has been cleansed by last night's rain, and patches of moss along the way glisten with a fresh, inviting green under the influence of the rain ...
212 views|0 replies


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