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Shares About graduate with distinction, actually nothing
Sophia.JIANG 2023-11-10 23:42
To summarize the topic, I have receive my graduation email of Master degree in England today, graduate with distinction. 翻译 搜索 复制 I think I was suppose to be happy, it is true, but something absence keep bordering me at this moment. That why I start writing again. I have been back to ...
149 views|0 replies
Shares 2023-11-10
Dempsey 2023-11-10 20:10
What is being “sincere” to myself? What is truly “kind” thuswise? “Change what I can change, and accept if I cannot”—strive to ameliorate the former, with respect and admission of the latter, which we learn to coexist with. On the one hand, we should see our true advantages clearly, and try ...
132 views|0 replies
Shares Honor in A New Path
teadrinking 2023-11-10 10:03
Leaving his hometown, the sun's descent painted a mesmerizing tableau over the fields and trees, suffusing the landscape with a golden glow. The rearview mirror captured a poignant image—a poignant last glance that whispered of irrevocable change. He was keenly aware that this place, once a haven ...
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Shares 2023-11-09
Dempsey 2023-11-9 18:52
Many of us wouldtell inwardly “white lies”, deliberately avoid or ignoreour personalityweaknesses in order to protect our self-esteem, andcoverany of themomentswhen we are uglywith a “fig leaf” in order to “make it out of sight”, as if what we ...
104 views|0 replies
Shares Odes to Late Autumn
teadrinking 2023-11-9 17:42
As temperatures slowly ebb, the air pirouettes with the advancing cold, and the rain cascades like an earnest overture to the grand arrival of winter. Yet, there's an ineffable melancholy tethered to this shift, reminiscent of a bittersweet farewell to the beloved autumn. Nevertheless, I'm inexpli ...
96 views|0 replies
Shares 9 November
Sumingyu 2023-11-9 11:19
School closed for heavy snow. When open it is hard to know. I am inhabiting the bungalow. Now temperature not too low. 10 November Fallen snow on highway cleared. Slippery country road appeared. As discovering safe,I might ride. Otherwise I could walk the side. ...
112 views|0 replies
Shares Where the heart grows, where the road goes
freefu55 2023-11-8 22:17
As it is for me, today is really a bad day. I spend a lot of money to play games which is gambling in essence and I swear I won't do it again, no, never. And what I can do is just focus on making wealthy. If I feel bored someday, I will pick some books I like to read, I mean I could enrich my soul b ...
168 views|0 replies
Shares 2023-11-08
Dempsey 2023-11-8 14:45
There is an i ndispensable prerequisitein self-improvement—to make outyour true self. That self should be complete—including both the beautiful and kind “me”, as well as the “me”whonow and thenallowsevil thoughts,and isuglyinsoul. ...
97 views|0 replies
Shares A Casual Talk
teadrinking 2023-11-8 13:03
The conversation at the English corner left a lasting impression on me, mainly due to the remarkable London accent of a young girl who spoke there. Throughout the years, my exposure to English has primarily involved materials featuring a London accent. However, the reality is that the messages we ...
99 views|0 replies
Shares 2023-11-07
Dempsey 2023-11-7 17:32
W e may have discovered that the inadequacies of human nature, such as cowardice, selfishness, greed , hypocrisy, ignorance ... i n the final analysis, all lead to the same end , where the crux lies in “weakness”—cowardice lies in timidity to confront &nbs ...
119 views|0 replies


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