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Sponsored link: Some useful and practical books that will help you to improve your English writing skills.
Shares The Road Beyond Yesterday
teadrinking 2023-10-9 16:03
In life's grand play, we meet and part, Yet dwelling on regrets, we must depart. For God's grand plan, it we must trust, In the infinite of time, we're but dust. Sometimes we find, in complaint we roam, Draining mind and soul, we lose our home. But in the present, let's make ...
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Shares A Post-Rain Reunion
teadrinking 2023-10-8 19:50
Following the gentle cascade of raindrops, a serene coolness settled in the air, a delicate balance between the warmth of the departing day and the imminent arrival of night's chill. Above, the once-brooding sky had transformed into a canvas of subdued shades, offering a breath of respite that see ...
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Shares Reading Vs Gaming
teadrinking 2023-10-7 09:01
"Have you read all those books?" Bunny asked absentmindedly, his gaze locked on the screen of his phone, where he was deeply engrossed in an intense round of online gaming. "Yup," replied Uncle Jack, his attention split between Bunny's question and the task at hand on his laptop. He glance ...
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Shares Daily Soundtrack
teadrinking 2023-10-5 20:57
Amidst the eloquent symphony of the piano's ivory and ebony keys, a magical transformation transpires. Suddenly, the pandemonium of life vanishes, replaced by an exquisite peace that permeates every breath. Music, with its timeless charm, unfolds its very essence before us. In those moment ...
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Shares 2023-09-29
Dempsey 2023-9-29 21:47
The more encyclopedic a mind, theless he indulges in high-sounding talks. There are two kinds of self-abasement. One is when facing God, the man holds infinity in awe and has humility, is well aware of the limits of all human achievements, and never gets above himself. One is fa ...
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Shares Writing, Fitness and Reading
teadrinking 2023-9-28 16:03
When it comes to writing, I find myself constantly engaged in the art of crafting words to convey a multitude of narratives. Whether I'm weaving stories, sharing personal experiences, or delving into the realms of inspiration and imagination, it's a truly remarkable world where I navigate with unb ...
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Shares Golden Hours
teadrinking 2023-9-27 22:41
As raindrops gently grace the earth's fair face, In this golden season, fruits take center stage. Rice fields, patient, await their destined hour, While osmanthus fragrans aromas each bloom and bower. Intoxication fills the fragrant, scented air, As if I'm lost in ...
185 views|0 replies
Shares Nowhere of Everywhere
teadrinking 2023-9-26 22:39
In the heart of the bustling city, there resided a character who had earned himself the moniker "Mr. Nobody." His life was a carnival of contradictions and quirks, a spectacle that would leave even the most astute observer befuddled. It all began after his dramatic exit from a small, desti ...
377 views|0 replies
Shares Ongoing Strength
teadrinking 2023-9-25 23:30
In each passing day, a story unfolds, No moment's meaningless, as life's tale it holds. Chance is the key to miracles unknown, In the dance of uncertainty, our seeds are sown. Even the tiniest stone by the roadside lay, Carries a history, in its quiet way. Think of the munda ...
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Shares Garden Whispers
teadrinking 2023-9-24 19:24
As I step into the garden, I'm immediately greeted by the enchanting treatment of autumn. The entire scene is a masterpiece, as if nature itself had taken up the art of decorating. The cool and gentle breeze playfully rustles the grass, trees, and flowers, adding a soothing orchestration of whispe ...
131 views|0 replies


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