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Shares To Do or Not
teadrinking 2024-6-29 22:20
The road to an ideal land is not easy. Sometimes, it remains just a dream or hope, yet it motivates those with a determined mind to keep moving forward. No matter how long the journey or how tough the experience, it never stops those who are committed. Though the path may be unusual and uncomfortab ...
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Shares Sweat and Steam
teadrinking 2024-6-28 21:41
After a week of relentless downpours, the heavy rain has finally let up. However, this temporary break in the weather doesn’t signal an end to discomfort. The days ahead are set to be dominated by muggy, humid conditions. Every time the rain stops, the air becomes thick with moisture, making ever ...
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Shares Justice and Aggression: Lessons from a Neighborhood Dispute
johnsonwu 2024-6-27 23:04
Imagine a small neighborhood where two families, historically at odds over property boundaries, find themselves embroiled in a bitter dispute. One family, let's call them the aggressor family, suddenly decides to forcefully occupy part of the other family's backyard, claiming it rightfully belongs ...
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Shares Invisible Chain-Hukou System
johnsonwu 2024-6-26 19:34
The hukou system in China, with its origins dating back to the 1950s, has long been criticized for its profound social and economic consequences. Initially introduced to control population movement and allocate resources effectively, the hukou system has evolved into a deeply ingrained mechanism th ...
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Shares Unstoppable Water
teadrinking 2024-6-26 15:44
As the rain persists, flooding appears unavoidable, and streams rage with intensity. There is no indication that the rain will cease anytime soon. Therefore, one must persevere until the dawn. An individual is vulnerable, powerless against the forces of nature, unable to alter the course of the wea ...
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Shares Change or not-The Beijing License Plate Lottery System?
johnsonwu 2024-6-25 17:51
The Beijing license plate lottery system has been implemented with the intention of managing the city's severe traffic congestion and air pollution issues. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that this system has significant flaws and limitations that undermine its effectivene ...
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Shares one day and more one day
tomlu6 2024-6-24 16:37
one day and more one day. i not stop study. i wait for a chance. that's for successful.
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Shares Wait and Realization
teadrinking 2024-6-24 08:42
A single deed can spark incredible change. The actions we often overlook can one day lead to something extraordinary. In essence, there's no need to rush; instead, we should practice patience. This approach increases our chances of achieving greatness. Success is a process of accumulation. What we ...
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Shares Abundant Rainfall
teadrinking 2024-6-23 08:33
It has been raining for days, and the damp weather and high humidity are causing discomfort. However, the plants are thriving, as the rain provides them with ample water and nutrients. The birds are twittering, and the streams are singing joyfully, adding a lovely melody to the environment. Accordi ...
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