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  • I love the sunshine Reply
  • Hey, rain, when will you stop? Reply
  • The rain has last for more than one week. Damn! Reply
  • I don't like the ads on the top of the page to compose MiniBlog. Reply
  • long time no update. How r u guys? Reply
  • Real NameDustin Lee
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1981 - 4 - 12
  • Birthplace山东 济宁
  • Residence浙江 杭州

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Avatar 2010-01-13
Gonna see avatar this evening with colleagues. I just wonder whether it'll bring me a great surprise or not, as many people say it's a wonderful movi ...
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A strange dream 2009-08-17
   Last night, I dreamed I was attending exams, but not clear what kind it was.  The terrible thing was that I was late twice, on ...
(1045) Views|(7) Replies
Move to another city or not? 2009-08-07
   Unfortunately, the dept. that I served form last July was dissolved a couple of days later after 1-year annive ...
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My favorite song is always "playing" 2009-08-04
Here's a good design to share u guys:           Original URL: ...
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nice here 2009-08-04
i always write on my space of windows live.  now, i get this new place named dioenglish.  it's pretty good.  i'm not sure whether i sh ...
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littlegrass 2010-9-24 09:36
On this warm occasion, one of the most simple to you my friend: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! I wonder whether my wishes can reach you. Let me drink a toast for my rriend with my best wishes.
littlegrass 2010-8-16 07:40
Happy Double-seventh Festival! Wish all shall be well, and Jack have Jill. Life will never be the same without love.
littlegrass 2010-8-15 08:33
Offer our sincerest and profoundest condolences to the victims as the disastrous debris flow and the best regards and expectations to the alive!
littlegrass 2010-8-4 14:25
leedaxun: Men's Day?  You mean August 3rd ?
i thought Men's day is November 11th.
November 11th is just Singles' Day, not the day of all the men.
littlegrass 2010-8-3 16:09
Happy Men's Day!
leedaxun 2009-12-3 23:52
Absolutely right!  And you?
lumin 2009-12-2 21:29
You must be a big fan of the NBA games.^_^
小莫 2009-8-14 21:01
leedaxun: so kind of u,  i'll download them and listen to at leisure time  :)
Hehe~ My pleasure. By the way, I think the series of English material maybe are a little simpler for you. It's no bad to read them in large quantity, but you also need some advanced materials.
小莫 2009-8-14 10:09
I have updated some mp3 there. Hope it is helpful.
小莫 2009-8-13 12:34
leedaxun: i'm gonna to read  "Pride and Prejudice" now.  i've read the Chinese version when i was at high school.  i think it's time to review it in E
No bad. I thought maybe you're busy moving, so perhaps you don't have much time to read, are you?
leedaxun 2009-8-11 14:44
how fast a reader u r !   ashamed that i have not read any of the novels, cause i'm a little busy working these days.  i promise to read them as soon as i'm free.  would u plz kindly share me ur impression of the novels ?  Thx!
btw, r  the 2 novels you mentioned included in the "床头灯" series? i didn't find them in this series
小莫 2009-8-11 14:04
Do you have time to read the novels these days? I have already read"Great Expectation" and "Doctor Gekly and Mr. Hyde ".
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