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  • Refined Soul
    teadrinking (3 days ago)

    Perfection may elude us, but we can always strive toward our better selves. The recognition of our own weaknesses fosters growth and maturity, allowin

  • Enjoy Autumn
    teadrinking (6 days ago)

    As Mid-Autumn approaches, the weather naturally softens, becoming mild and inviting. The once unrelenting heat of summer has quietly receded, as thoug

  • The Art of Patience
    teadrinking (2024-09-13)

    Patience is not just a passive act of waiting; it is the quiet strength that comes with maturity. It reveals the wisdom to endure uncertainty, underst

  • i see film of name:Yin Yang master
    tomlu6 (2024-09-10)

    the film very interesting.Qingmin is 27 young student in Yin Yang master.they help others people and beat enemy.His Superb magic skills。

  • Keys to Something Remarkable
    teadrinking (2024-09-06)

    Interest is the compass that steers you toward a path where your potential can shine and great things can be achieved. It ignites your curiosity, lead

  • I'm see the film by computer
    tomlu6 (2024-09-02)

  • Polishing & Resilience
    teadrinking (2024-09-01)

    Inner strength is not forged through mere words; it is cultivated through the consistent practice of exercises, honed by the experiences we gather alo

  • Reading for pleasure
    IMNONARCISSUS (2024-09-01)

    In others' eyes, certainly I'm a little weird. 99 percent of the people around me are crazy for either money or seeking for a promotion, I am out of t

  • September
    Sumingyu (2024-09-01)

    1Shower forces me to rest,Which arouses no protest.I may go to another nestEnjoying films taken best.

  • Arrival of Serenity
    teadrinking (2024-08-30)

    As the intense heat of summer begins to fade, the whispers of autumn grow stronger, heralding a season of abundance and quiet delight. Autumn, with it

  • Heat and Cool
    teadrinking (2024-08-25)

    The weather has cooled compared to previous weeks, yet daytime temperatures still soar to a striking 38 degrees. What a summer! However, autumn is qui

  • be positive to face the fact
    sys (2024-08-25)

     It can’t be avoid facing the option arranged because of the aspiration of governer . After breakfast from dining hall this morning , I found a

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