  • 商务英语写作指导:办公室用语
      The process through which information gets spread unofficially throughout the company. Can be word of mouth, email, or even a hand-written piece of paper. In...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC口语常见对话场景(十四)
    Useful Expressions 惯用表达语

    91、Enjoy you breakfast ,sir ?请享用你的早餐,先生.

    92、Here is the menu.给你菜谱.

    93、The service guide is on the des...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC应用文模版及句型

    1. 信件的开头:

    We are writing to enquire about…

    We are writing in connection with…

    We are interested in &h...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC口语常见对话场景(十二)
    Negative Responses(否定回答)

    75、No ,sir (madam).不,先生(小姐).

    76、I don't think so.我不这样认为.

    77、Of course not.当然不.

    78、I'm afraid that...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC口语常见对话场景(十三)
    Useful Questions 常用问句

    79、What do you prefer ,tea or coffee?你喜欢什么?茶还是咖啡.

    80、 Would your please sign here ?请在这儿签名好吗?

    81、A ta...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC口语常见对话场景(八)
    Good wishes(良好祝愿)

    51、Have a good time!祝你们玩得愉快!

    52、Have a nice evening!祝你晚上愉快.

    53、Happy Birthday!生日快乐.

    54、Merry Chri...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC口语常见对话场景(九)

    56、 Good-bye and good luck.再见,祝你好运.

    57、Hope you'll have a nice trip.希望你旅途愉快.

    58、Wish you a pleasant journey .祝你旅...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC口语常见对话场景(十)
    Self-Introduction (自我介绍)

    64、I'm henry ,I'm from Golden Lake Hotel, I'm here to meet you .我叫享利,来自金湖酒店,我是来接您的.

    65、My name is Irene ,I'm the...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC口语常见对话场景(十一)
    Affirmative Responses (肯定回答)


    71、Certainly ,sir (madam).当然可以,先生(小姐).


    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC口语常见对话场景(四)
    Answers to Thanks(对感谢语的应答)

    27、 You're welcome.欢迎你

    28、 Not at all.不用谢

    29、 That's all right.没关系

    30、 Don't mention it.别提...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC口语常见对话场景(五)
    Expressing welcome (表示欢迎)

    32、 Welcome ,sir(madam).欢迎光临,先生(小姐)

    33、 Welcome to our hotel ,sir (madam).欢迎光临我们酒店,先生(小姐)

    34、 Welcome to o...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC口语常见对话场景(六)
    Apologies (表示道歉)

    37、I'm sorry,sir (madam).对不起,先生(小姐).

    38、I'm very sorry.非常抱歉.

    39、I'm sorry to trouble you.对不起打扰你了.

    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC口语常见对话场景(七)
    Answers to Apology(对道歉语的应答)

    44、It doesn't mater.没关系.

    45、It's nothing.没什么.

    46、Never mind.别放在心上.

    47、That's nothing.没什...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC口语常见对话场景(二)

    8、Are you Mrs.Best?


    9、You must be professor Ford.


    10、May I know your name,sir(ma...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC口语常见对话场景(三)
    Offering Help (主动提出帮助)

    17、May I help you ?

    18、Can I help you?我能帮你吗?

    19、What can I do for you ?我能为你作什么?

    20、 May I take...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC写作必备句子(五)

    41. It must be noted that learning must be done by a person himself.
    42. A large number of people tend to live under the illusion that they had comple...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC口语常见对话场景(一)
    Greetings (打招呼)

    1、Good morning ,sir(madam)早上好,先生(小姐)

    2、Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen下午好,女士们,先生们.

    3、Good evening ,miss Price...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC倒计时:写作冲刺模版(一)
      1. 信件的开头:
      We are writing to enquire about…
      We are writing in connection with…
      We are interested in … and we would...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC写作必备句子(二)
    11.There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem :the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it.

    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC写作必备句子(三)
    21.People equate success in life with the ability of operating computer .
    22. In the last decades, advances in medical technology have m...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC写作必备句子(四)
    31. This view is now being questioned by more and more people.
    32. Although many people claim that, along with the rapidly economic development...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • BEC写作必备句子(一)
    1.According to a recent survey ,four-million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟相关的疾病。 2.T...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • 新东方名师指导:BEC短文改错基本方法
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • 新东方名师指导:BEC短文改错常见错误
    2018-11-16 BEC写作
  • 新东方名师预测11月BEC高级作文题
    Business Proposal
    Your company recently took over a branch in the overseas market and the chief executive of your company asked you to consider ways of expanding the bran...
    2018-11-16 BEC写作