- 古德明英语军事小故事:满堂金玉成何用 ? (中英对照)
- 古德明《征服英语》之英语军事故事,古德明,香港英语教育作家,他开了一个《征服英语专栏》,在专栏中专门用英语写了世界近代史上的军事小故事,用英...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 古德明英语军事小故事:马的故事(中英对照)
- 古德明《征服英语》之英语军事故事,古德明,香港英语教育作家,他开了一个《征服英语专栏》,在专栏中专门用英语写了世界近代史上的军事小故事,用英...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 古德明英语军事小故事:奥斯德立兹战役(中英对照)
- 古德明《征服英语》之英语军事故事,古德明,香港英语教育作家,他开了一个《征服英语专栏》,在专栏中专门用英语写了世界近代史上的军事小故事,用英...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 圣诞节英语故事视频:圣诞老人的故事 A Brief History of Santa(中英字幕)
- On the 24th of December every year, children around the world put out milk and cookies in the hopes of luring a magic fat man into their home who will leave presents behind before sneaking in...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 经典古希腊神话故事:巨人与神之战(双语)
- a war of giant and gods
巨人与神之战the greed made up stories about how.the world began, and how gods,giants and people came be.
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 经典古希腊神话故事:火和第一个人(双语)
- fire and the first man
火和第一个人the greeks told stories to explain how things came to be. the first animals and the first man were made by two giants who had been on the side of the gods i...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 英语励志故事:半途而废相关的故事(双语)
- During the Warring States Period (475-221BC), there was a man called Yue Yangzi in State Yue. One day he saw a piece of gold on the road and picked it up. He took it home and gave it to his w...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 伊索寓言故事:披着羊皮的狼,不能只凭表面现象就作判断(双语)
- 伊索寓言故事:披着羊皮的狼A wolf wanted to eat the sheep, but he was afraid of the vigilant shepherd and his dogs.
狼想吃羊,但是他害怕警惕的牧羊人和牧羊犬。One day the wolf found the skin of a s...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 伊索寓言故事:一只贪心的狗,贪的太多只会失去更多(双语)
- 伊索寓言故事:一只贪心的狗 A Greedy DogA GREedy dog went into a butcher’s shop and stole a big juicy bone. He ran away so fast that the butcher could not catch him. He ran out into the f...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事01:点不亮的蜡烛
- 每天读一点英文之那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事(寓言篇)01 The Candle That Can't Be Lighted 点不亮的蜡烛A man had a little daughter&md...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事02:金链子
- 每天读一点英文之那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事(寓言篇)02 the gold chain 金链子once upon a time, there was a poor fisherman who always...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事03:小偷和他的母亲
- 每天读一点英文之那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事(寓言篇)03 The young thief and his mother 小偷和他的母亲A young man was caught stealing...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事04:淘气的袋鼠
- 每天读一点英文之那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事(寓言篇)04 the bad kangaroo 淘气的袋鼠there was a small kangaroo who was bad in school....
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事05:北风和太阳
- 每天读一点英文之那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事(寓言篇)05 The North Wind and the Sun 北风和太阳——仁慈和温和常常比武力更有效...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事06:士兵和他的马
- 每天读一点英文之那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事(寓言篇)06 the soldier and his horse 士兵和他的马during the wars, a soldier looked afte...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事07:大火炉
- 每天读一点英文之那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事(寓言篇)07 The Big Oven 大火炉Once upon a time a man had a big house, and in the house t...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事08:小树
- 每天读一点英文之那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事(寓言篇)08 the sapling 小树tom with his axe was stepping through the wood, a sapling cal...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事09:微不足道的善举
- 每天读一点英文之那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事(寓言篇)09 An Insignificant Act of Kindness 微不足道的善举A man was strolling along the...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事10:玩物丧志
- 每天读一点英文之那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事(寓言篇)10 negligence 玩物丧志this is a very well-known story that teaches us a lot abou...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事11:此一时,彼一时
- 每天读一点英文之那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事(寓言篇)11 Now and Then 此一时,彼一时One day, a king was travelling in his own land. He s...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事12:园丁与乌龟
- 每天读一点英文之那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事(寓言篇)12 an old gardener and a tortoise 园丁与乌龟one early morning, an old gardener...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事13:贪婪的獾
- 每天读一点英文之那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事(寓言篇)13 The Greedy Badger 贪婪的獾One day, at a farmhouse, a hunting dog saw a fox ca...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事14:狗和猫
- 每天读一点英文之那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事(寓言篇)14 the dog and the cat 狗和猫long ago, only the cats had the ability to trace th...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事15:真正的勇气
- 每天读一点英文之那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事(寓言篇)15 Real Courage 真正的勇气A father was worried about his son, who was sixteen ye...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事16:摆渡费
- 每天读一点英文之那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事(寓言篇)16 boat fare 摆渡费there was once a boatman who earned his living by transportin...
2018-11-07 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事