

阅读 :
1.Call to remind 打电话提醒
    A: Jean, before the meeting, could you call to remind the attendees?
    B: Okay. I'll call each one of them.
    2.Ask ... to attend 邀请……参加
    A: Could you ask Mr. Wang to attend this meeting?
    B: Okay. I'll call him right away.
    3.No cell phones 关机
    A: There will be no cell phones for this meeting. Please turn off your phones now.
    B: Yes, Sir.
    4.Meeting minutes 会议纪要
    A: Who is going to write the meeting minutes?
    B: Sharon will.
    5.Take notes 做记录
    A: Kevin, please take notes.
    B: I will.

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本文标题:小组会议常用英语表达 - 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作


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