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  It has been our policy in the past to supply ice to our customers when their ice machine has broken down.  Because we have many customers who are paying later and later, we are forced to set down stronger company policies.  Our new policy will go into effect August 3, 1986, and is as follows:

  1. If the customer is more than 15 days late in their monthly payment and the machine is not working, we will not supply ice.   We will repair the machine, and the number of days in which the machine has not been in service will be credited to the customer's account.  At the time of our service call we will expect payment in full of any unpaid balance due us.

  2. There will be a sur-charge on accounts falling more than 30 days behind.

  While I am sorry that we must go to such extremes as those outlined above, I am afraid that there is no alternative. Our company policy is, and always has been, to provide the best service available to our customers.  We can only continue to do this with our customer's cooperation.

  If there are any questions regarding our new policy, please give me a call.

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本文标题:商务英语写作范文102 - 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作


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