

阅读 :
In our daily life, water has many useful ways. We can use water to wash our faces and brush our teeth. Farmers water plants with it, while firemen use it to put out fire. And the cooks cook food, wash the bowls and plates with it. If there were no water, people, plants and animals would die, and the earth would become a dry well.

If we don ''t want this kind of thing to happen, we must save water from We can begin with doing small things. For example, after we wash clothes, we can use the used water to clean the rooms, windows or floors. Finally we can wash the restroom with it. When we don''t use water, we must turn off the tap tightly. If everyone can save water, the environment will be better and better.

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本文标题:初二英语作文:节约用水 - 初中英语作文_初中生英语作文_七年级英语作文

