
如何保护视力(How to protect eyes)

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如何保护视力(How to protect eyes)

We can't do anything without eyes in our daily lives. We use them to read/in reading books, to watch/watching TV….We can't do at any time and any place. If we have bright eyes, we can be able to see clear beautiful flowers, pretty grass, elegant mountains, graceful rivers and any other landscapes.

However, we do not notice sanitation of using eyes specially in our childhood. If we become near-sighted, it is very difficult to see these beautiful things. So protecting our eyes is very important.

How to protect our eyes? At first, we should not use eyes for a long time. Second, we should keep a distance of one foot when (we are)reading books. Third, don’t read under sun or in the dark light or when we are on a bus or in bed. At last, insist doing health care eyes very day. If we can do the above, we can have bright eyes.

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