
大学英语作文模板: 网上找工作的弊端

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The Disadvantages of Finding a Job through Internet

As more and more companies tend to post vacant position online rather than go to the job fair, most people also prefer to find jobs through Internet. Some people think that it is very convenient for them to find jobs because they can check the basic information of a certain company any time they want. Some argue that it is not so good for them to find jobs online because there are also some people will take advantage of them by getting job seekers’ information. In my opinion, I’m convinced that the disadvantages weigh too much than the advantages. Reasons are as follows.


First and foremost, some people will take advantages by stealing your personal information. With the high development of Internet, some kinds of cyber crime emerge. Those offenders often steal victim’s information through Internet and then commit a crime.


Secondly, you maybe cheated by the fake information on the Internet. It happens quite often that some job seekers receive some calls to invite them to have an interview. But when they get to the appointed place, they find that it is not the same company as posted online.


In conclusion, through the analysis above, I don’t think it is wise for us to find jobs online not only because your personal information will be stolen, but you will be cheated.


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