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大学英语作文范文: 守时的好处

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The Benefits of Punctuality


Every time when it comes to meeting or dating, it is impossible for us to present in time all the time, because there will be some unpredictable situations happen, such as the traffic accident, our bodies feel bad suddenly and so on. However, being punctual is of great benefits, it can consolidate our relationship and improve work efficiency.


One of the benefits of being punctual is that we can keep strong relationship with others. Being in time reflects the person is responsible and considerate; we respect him, because he always arrives at the meeting at the right time. We will impress by him and are willing to make friends with him. On the contrary, if the person who is always late for meeting, he will delay everybody’s time, such person is not welcomed.


The other benefit of being punctual is that we can improve work efficiency. If we are told to finish the work in two days, but we are always finishing in 3 days, we will be kicked out. The one who finishes the job in time, he will have a better time-management skills, and these skills will enable him to finish the task in a systematic order.


Punctuality is very important when we are in a social communication, we will leave others the good impression, and what’s more, we can enjoy better relationship with others and have efficiency.


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