Shenzhen English Corner

大学英语作文范文: 制定目标的重要性

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Do you have set a clear aim? Why? Currently, it has been frequently reported that most college students are living an idle life as they have no clear aims for their future life. It is a dangerous trend.As the saying goes, living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.

In my opinion, the saying is true in that clear aims can provide us with direction and purpose. As long as you have a proper aim,you will focus on it and make decisions promptly.In contrast, if you don’t know what you are going for, you tend to waste your time making choices. The importance of aims has also been demonstrated. The research shows that people with clear aims for their life tend to persevere in developing their careers.

Based on the arguments above, I hold that college students should set a clear goal for our life and be clear about what to learn and how to arrange our time, through which we can live a meaningful college life.

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