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大学英语作文范文: 老年人不想跟子女同住

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Old People Refuse to Live With Their Children 老年人不想跟子女同住

Today, when the couples get married, they care about whether they need to live with parents. Most couples can’t reach agreement when they come to this issue. It seems that old people need to live with their children to seek for better care. But the fact is not, old people generally do not want live with the young people.


On the one hand, old people know exactly the gap between the young generation and their generation. The lifestyle will be very different. They get up early and wake up timely, while the young people like to stay up and they tend to make up sleep on weekends. If they live together, the timetable will be interrupted by each other and both can’t live happily.


On the other hand, it is easy to have argument if people stay together for a long time, no matter how nice they are at the beginning. The new couple will have their problem, while if the old people interfere, then things will be miserable. So it is better to stay off the argument.


Now most parents choose to live not far away from their children, because staying the small distance brings benefit to both sides.


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