女性公共场合哺乳 Women Breastfeed Babies In Public Place
Not long time ago, a man complained about the mothers breastfeeding their babies in the bus. He thought it was a very impolited behavior to show the naked body in the public place. Soon this man’s words were criticized by women, for they supported the mothers to feed the babies freely. 不久前,一个男人在公共汽车上抱怨母亲母乳喂养婴儿的行为。他认为这是一个非常不礼貌的行为,在公共场所裸露身体部位。很快这个人的话受到了女性的批评,因为他们支持母亲自由哺乳。 It is known to all that mother is the greatest person in the world. they give us the life and take care us all the time. Some mothers even sacrifice their career and being a housewife, they focus all their attention in the family chores. A man would never know the women’s pain in having the babies. So they don’t have the right to make judgement. 众所周知,母亲是世界上最伟大的人。她们给予了我们生命,照顾着我们。有些妈妈甚至牺牲了职业生涯,变身一个家庭主妇, 她们的注意力都放在了家庭琐事上。一个男人永远不会了解女性生孩子的疼痛。所以他们没有权力去做判断。 It is the women’s right to breastfeed their babies in the public place, because the babies did not have the consciousness to stop crying, so the mothers must prepare to feed them anytime and anywhere. It is not easy to raise a kid, what the mothers do should be supported by the public. For everyone has such moment when they are small babies. 女性在公众场合母乳喂养自己的孩子是她们的权力,因为孩子没有意识要停止哭泣,所以母亲们必须随时随地做好准备喂他们。养育一个孩子不容易,妈妈们做的应该得到公众的支持。因为每个人在他们还是婴儿的时候都有哭闹的时刻。