证书效用BEC在英国、英联邦国家及欧洲大多数国家,获得工商界的普遍认可,并得到国内数百家外资企业的认可,有"外企绿卡"的美誉。 BEC初、中、高级成绩可替代雅思3、5、7级成绩,是全球160多所大学入学语言能力的证明。取得BEC初级证书者可免修国内高教自考中英合作商务管理金融管理专科段商务英语课程。
To all graphics staff:
Sales have fallen recently because, although our packaging is functional, it is unattractive. I think we should develop new and appealing designs. Could you please attend a meeting in the boardroom at 10.00 am tomorrow to discuss this matter? (43 words)
Mr. Lui, Sales Production Personnel
I am sorry that I may be unable to meet at the times arranged on Tuesday and Wednesday, as I shall now be having urgent discussions with an important visitor from Singapore. Our discussions should last two days, but, if they can be squeezed into less time, I may be able to meet the Production Personnel as previously arranged. However, I shall try to let you know by 5.00 pm on Tuesday afternoon and, if necessary, arrange another time for our meeting. In any case, since I shall definitely be busy on Tuesday afternoon, I wonder if I might now see Mr. Luis at 9.00 am on Thursday.