
BEC写作:BEC商务英语高级写作范文:A letter

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  Dear Chen,

  I was very pleased to receive your letter. As requested, I enclose someadvice about visiting Milan.

  There are lots of good hotels near the Fiera and I recommend the HotelWagner; it is about a ten-minute walk from the trade fair and also has the metroand train connections. The public transport system here is quite reliable and Ido not think you need to hire a car; the traffic in Milan can be a bitchaotic.

  Finding somewhere to eat in the evening should be easy. There are plenty ofrestaurants and pizzerias near the hotel. My favourite is Nove Cento, whichserves excellent seafood pasta.

  It is difficult to know what to recommend for sightseeing as the city hasso much to offer. If you are interested in art, then the world famous ‘LastSupper' by Leonardo da Vinci is a short train ride from the hotel or you couldvisit the Brera art gallery. There is also the Duomo, Milan's huge gothiccathedral. If you are interested in football, there should be midweek matchfeaturing either AC or Inter Milan. Alternatively, you could visit the fashionarea around via Montenapoleone.

  Thank you for inviting me for a meal one evening during you stay. I wouldbe very happy to accept.

  I look forward to hearing from you nearer the time. We can then make thearrangements for where and when we are going to meet.

  Best regards



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