Shenzhen English Corner


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  Building international teams Ex2: Sample answer: (230words)

  Dear Jacek

  Further to our conversation of 11 November, I writing to confirm your visit. Since this will be your first trip to the United Kingdom, I include some information about the way we operate.

  The first meeting is scheduled for 11.15am and you should be ready to start promptly. Some people say that the British have a rather relaxed attitude to time and that starting 15 minutes late is normal. However, Jim Walsh, the Head of Sales, is extremely keen on punctuality, so do not be tempted to take any risks.

  One difference between this office and yours that you may notice is the apparent lack of formality between colleagues here. In British it is usual to use a person's first name once you have been introduced and you will be invited to do so. Also, please do not feel offended if our staff here do not use your professional title; only the medical doctors are given the title ‘Doctor' here. As I said, especially between colleagues, it is common simply to use a person's first name.

  A number of our managers are women and you should be aware that they are treated in exactly the same way as their male counterparts.

  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on 020 779 2603.

  I look forward to seeing you on 8 December.

  Yours sincerely



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本文标题:BEC写作:(BEC)高级商务英语考试2010年写作范文(十) - BEC写作


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