BEC考试的显着特点就是把商业实际和英语运用结合起来,分成初、中、高三级(BEC Preliminary, BEC Vantage, BEC Higher),其中BEC中级最符合广大考生的求职需求。BEC中级考试分成听、说、读、写四项考查,各占总成绩1/4,其中写作部分与听、说、读相比,因其考查形式固定,内容要求有限,因而最易得高分。写作部分包含两个部分:Part One, 备忘录或电子邮件(Memo or Email),占写作成绩的1/3;Part Two, 商务信件、报告或提议(Letter, Report or Proposal),占写作成绩的2/3。两部分相比,Part One要求简单,较之Part Two更容易提高,本文以《剑桥BEC真题集(中级) 第二辑》的Test Two, Part One为例,详细分析Part One的写作流程,并在最后给出BEC写作的复习资料。
样 题
You are the Managing Director of a company whose profits have recently increased and you would like to reward staff for this.
Write a memo to all staff:
Thanking them for their contribution
Explaining why profits increased
Telling them what their reward will be.
Write 40~50 words