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1. We inform you that the partnership existing between us in the business of wool has this day been dissolved by mutual consent.

2. Notice is hereby given that the copartnership which has existed between Mr. Black and Mr. Brown under the style of Black, Brown & Co., has been dissolved by agreement.

3. We announce that on and after the 1st March the partnership existing between Mr. Black & Mr. Brown, trading as Balck, Brown & Co., will be dissolved.

4. We advise you that we have by mutual agreement decided to dissolve partnership.

5. It was decided not to continue their business on and after September 1.

6. We inform you that the partnership lately existing between us and Mr. Aoki, under the style of Messrs. Aoki & Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent.

7. We inform you that the partnership existing between us in the business of H. & Co., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent.

8. We announce you that on and after the 1st January, 19--, the partnership existing between Mr. A. and Mr. B., trading as A.B. & Co., will be dissolved.

9. The partnership hitherto existing between us under the style of B. & Co., having been dissolved by mutual consent, the business will in future be carried on by Mr. J. S.

10. We advise you that we have by mutual agreement, decided not to continue our partnership.

11. On the 1st January, 20--, the partnership for the past ten years existing between E.B.H. and H.O., will be dissolved by mutual consent.

12. The partnership hitherto existing between D.R.M. and E.S., under the style of R.S. & Co., has been this day dissolved by mutual consent.

13. In consequence of the dissolution of partnership, the undersigned gives notice that he has taken over the interests and responsibility of the late firm of R.S. & Co.

14. We have the honour to inform you of the dissolution of our partnership, and that, having let our former premises, we have taken for the receipt and payment of outstanding accounts, an office at N. 10, T.St.

15. On the 1st of January next, the partnership existing between us under the firm of Tokyo Shokai for the past 15 years trading with U.S. firms will be dissolved.

16. We, the undersigned, inform you that the partnership lately existing between us and Mr. R.P., under the style of Messrs. R.P. & Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent, as from the above date.

17. The preceding circulars of Messrs. G. & B. and Messrs. B. & C. inform you of the dissolution of their establishment.

18. We inform you that our partnership is this day dissolved, and that in future, our firm and our branch in Yokohama, will be used in liquidation only.

19. We inform you that, our firm having been dissolved by mutual consent, both this establishment and that in Kobe will forthwith liquidate their pending business, for which purpose alone, our firm will be used hereafter.

20. The term of our copartnership with Messrs. Shiba & co., of Kobe, having expired on the 30th April, it was decided that the same should not be renewed.

21. The business will in future be conducted under the firm of Messrs. Hara & Co., and we trust that this arrangement will not only meet your approbation, but also ensure your entire confidence.

22. On the 1st of June next, the copartnership for the past ten years existed between H. Onoda and K. Kodama, will be dissolved.

23. The partnership will be discontinued owing to the retirement of Mr. Yokoi.

24. On account of the death of our partner, Mr. Gotoh, our business carried on under the name of Gotoh & Co., will be discontinued from the 1st March.

25. Notice is hereby given that the partnership which has subsisted between H.S. and J.L., under the firm and style of S. & L., will be discontinued owing to the retirement of Mr. H.S.

26. Notice is hereby given that the copartnership which has for some time existed between J.G. and T.C. under the style and title of G.C. & Co., has been discontinued by agreement.

27. We inform you that, on account of the death of our late partner, E.K., Esq., our business carried on under the name of K.J. & Co., will be discontinued from the 1st of January, 20--.

28. The term of our copartnership with Messrs. M. & Co., of O. having expired on the 31st December last, it was decided by consent of all the parties concerned, that the same should not be renewed.

29. The partnership of Mori & Co., of which I was a member, having expired, by lapse of time, will not be renewed.

30. We inform you that our partnership which carried on business for many years under the firm-name of T. & L. was decided not to be continued after 1st January, 20--.

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本文标题:2014商务英语初级写作指导:公司解散与停业 - BEC写作


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