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2011年6月四六级在线测评 周周抽取幸运大奖


    behalf   n. on behalf of sb/on sb's behalf; US in behalf of sb/in sb's behalf as the representative of or spokesman for sb; in the interest of sb
    benefit   n.  profit; gain; future good (used esp with the vs and preps shown)
    bias   n.  opinion or feeling that strongly favours one side in an argument or one item in a group orseries; predisposition; prejudice
    bond   n.  written agreement or promise that has legal force; covenant
    brief   adj.  lasting only a short time; short
    bulk   n.  size, quantity or volume, esp when great
    capable   adj.  having ability; able; competent
    capacity   n.  ability to hold or contain sth
    category   n. class or group of things in a complete system of grouping
    cease   v.  come or bring (sth) to an end; stop
    challenge   n.  ~ (to do sth) invitation or call (to sb) to take part in a game, contest, fight etc to prove who is better, stronger, more able, etc
    channel   n.  sunken bed of a river, stream or canal
    chapter   n.  (usu numbered) division of a book
    chart   n.  detailed map used to help navigation at sea, showing coasts, rocks, the depth of the sea, etc
    chemical   adj.  of or relating to chemistry
    circumstance   n.  condition or fact connected with an event or action
    cite   quote; commend
    civil   adj.  of or relating to the citizens of a country
    clarify   v.  (cause sth to) become clear or easier to understand
    classic   adj.  having a high quality that is recognized and unquestioned; of lasting value and importance
    clause   n.  group of words that includes a subject1(4a) and a verb, forming a sentence or part of a sentence
    code   n.  (system of) words, letters, symbols, etc that represent others, used for secret messages or for presenting or recording information briefly
    coherent   adj. connected logically or consistent; easy to understand; clear
    coincide   v. ~  (of events) occur at the same time or occupy the same period of time as sth else
    collapse   v.  fall down or in suddenly



    [词汇] 六级考试必会短语总结 四级考试必备核心词汇

    [语法] 四六级考试7大核心语法 攻克四六级语法必备练习

    [写作] 四级写作备考必背高分句型 六级写作分段逐句指导

    [听力] 听力得分技巧:注意4方面 名师指导四六级考试听力

    [阅读] 名师屠皓民讲解六级阅读技巧:快速阅读 精细阅读

    [综合] 英语四级考试完形填空最后攻略:单词为重 研习真题





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