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Will Internet Media Replace Traditional Media?

  Suppose you are going to spend a whole monthin a remote island and you are allowed to bring only one thing with you, what are you going tobring? If you are smart enough, you should bring a laptop with WIFI. Actually, for the younggeneration, a computer with access to the internet can be everything that traditional mediamay stand for and even more than that.

  The Internet is so penetrating in people’s lives that many people believe it will replace thetraditional mass media in the near future. In their eyes, with internet, you can watch TVprograms, listen to music and sing, make friends and talk to your friends, read news andbooks, receive and send mails, make comments about things, and even do shopping. Whatevera traditional media can serve you, it works for you better.

  In my opinion, internet media does bring great convenience to people’s lives, reducing timeand cost for people who want to be informed of the world news. However, no matter how all-mighty internet is, some traditional media are worthy to be kept. For example, papernewspapers and books are better for sight while radio is more portable than a computer.

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本文标题:2016年12月英语六级作文及范文:网络媒体 - 英语六级作文_六级作文_六级英语作文_四六级作文


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