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  cet6六级级作文范文:which transportation vehicle do you prefer ?你喜欢以下哪种交通工具?

  which transportation vehicle do you prefer ?

  modern t r ansport ation in urban ar eas has provided us with vehicles of various kind s , the four in the pictur es being the most popular .

  i think the private car is the most comfort able and driving it is really a lot of fun . i long for a ca r of my own and i always admire those ca r-owners . however , i don’t have so much money to afford s uch a luxury , not to mention the annual tax and fees of va rious kinds .

  although less comfor table , the taxi is convenient . it comes with a wave of hand . besides , i don’t have to take the trouble of caring for it . never theless , i have to annually pay a handsome sum of money if i go to work/ school by taxi every day . this is beyond my financial budget . in addition , i am afraid of meeting hostile taxi drivers .

  i will firmly refuse the motorcycle . i t’s dangerous . i am always shocked by the flying motorcyclists and wor ried about the pot ential accidents . so , riding a bike leaves my pr efe rence . i feel fr ee riding a bike and riding among the multitude of bicycles is a sor t of enjoyment . a bicycle is far much cheaper than any of the other three means of tr ans por tation . if my bike should be stolen , i would have no hesitation to buy a new one .

  in short , i prefer riding my bike, but that doesn’t mean i don’t like the car . soone r or later , i will have a car of my own .

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