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  seeding employment in u.k.


  As can be seen clearly from the graph, the difference in the numbers of people working in thethree major employment sectors in the u.k. economy in the early 1980s was relatively small, with about 4 million workers in engineering, 5 million in agriculture and 5.5 million in theservice industries.

  However, the period 1980-1990 saw significant changes in the relative sizes of these threeemployment sectors. there was a rapid decline in employment in agriculture, with the numberof workers dropping by more than 80%. On the other, employment oppor tunities in the serviceindustries increased sharply, especially after 1986, whereas the engineering sectorexperienced a gradual but constant decline.

  Trends in the above graph clearly indicate that the service industries will continue to employthe largest number of people at least for the next few years, while the engineering sector willneed somewhat fewer workers in the next decade. On the whole, the total number ofemployment offered in these three sectors was much smaller than ten years before and theredoesn't seem to be any likelihood for improvement in the near future. So, students who aregoing to graduate soon may need to prepare to seek employment elsewhere.


  ·inte rpret the graph

  ·predict the trends

  * engineering

  * service industries

  * agriculture


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  drop by...% 下降百分之

  rapid decline 急剧下降

  increases harply 明显上升

  ...doesn't seem to be any likelihood for improvement 似乎没有可能改善




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