
Zhuhai Hong Kong and Macao Bridge 珠港澳大桥

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  提示词:一国二制One country, two systems;珠港澳大桥Zhuhai Hong Kong and Macao Bridge,一小时经济圈One-hour economic circle

  It’s well-known to us that the Zhuhai Hong Kong and Macao Bridge is being built in China. Of course it is not only well praised but also resulting in much doubt as well. Its advantages and disadvantages can be listed as follows.

  Some hold the view that it is 50 kilometers long(the longest bridge in the world)and it must be a big challenge for the engineers to overcome the technical problems . Besides, the investment of the whole project is up to 72.6 billion. If we use the huge money for the western poor areas, we can help them to live a better life to some degree. Finally, it will have a negative effect on the natural environment.

  However, it is true that some show much support to the project. They have sufficient reasons for it.Firstly,after finishing the project, the one-hour economic circle will be realized and the local economy of all sides can benefit each other. Secondly,the bridge will be required to be the best one and become a landmark which is an attractive scenic spot. Most important of all, there will be a profound and significant meaning to carry out “one country, two systems”smoothly.

  Personally speaking, building the bridge brings more advantages than disadvantages, so I am in favor of it.

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