
好老师是怎么样的? What is a good teacher?

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  A lot of people think that teachers need to love their students, that they need to have an expert knowledge of their subjects, and that they should devote themselves completely to their jobs. All of these ideas are, of course, true to a certain degree but they are perhaps a little too simple.

  It is impossible for anyone to love everyone they know, and teachers deal with a great large number of students over the years. On the other hand, teachers should certainly be able to make their students feel that they are concerned. A deep knowledge of the subject is extremely important, but equally important is the ability to pass that knowledge on to the students effectively — a teacher needs to be trained in the skills of teaching. Finally, teachers have to devote a lot of time and energy to their work, of course. However, they are also models that their students must follow; so it is important that they should be well-balanced people with interests outside their school work. A teacher who only lives for work is likely to become too narrow-minded.


  1. 概括短文的内容要点,该部分的词数大约30;

  2. 就“怎样才是一名好教师”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点,该部分的词数大约120;

  3. 描述你以为身边的好教师;

  4. 你认为一名好教师应该具备什么品质。


  1. 你可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的观点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子。




  Ladies and gentlemen,

  It‘s my honor to have the chance to speak here.

  Most people think a teacher should love his students, have an expert knowledge and devote himself to the job. The ideas are partly true.

  In my opinion, a good teacher should love his students. However, it‘s impossible for a teacher to love his every student. Besides, for a teacher, the ability to pass the knowledge on to his students is more important than his expert knowledge. A good teacher should be ready to teach the students how to learn rather than what to learn. Moreover, not only should he work hard, but also he should be a well-balanced person.

  My English teacher, Miss Wang always helps us out and is concerned about us. And also, he remains young psychologically and tries hard to understand his students. She often stays with us and shares with us her experiences. She amuses us by telling jokes in class at times, which makes us learn English in a relaxed phenomenon. In addition, She keeps upgrading her knowledge and takes every chance to study.

  All in all,she is a worthy teacher. I like her very much.

  That‘s all. Thank you.








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