
中国式过马路 Chinese style cross the road

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  Not only does Running Red Light disturb traffic order, but also it became one of the causes of traffic accidents. According to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 62,387 people died in 210,812 road traffic accidents in 2011, with 237,421 injured, whose deaths top the list of deaths from non-natural causes in China.

  Beijing traffic chiefs have vowed to crack down on jaywalkers who go against traffic lights after making sure there are no cars coming. From this week, people who do not wait for the "green man" signal to cross at intersections will receive on-the-spot fines of 10 yuan. The traffic management bureau said it will not only focus on punishment but also upgrade road safety facilities, such as arranging traffic lights more scientifically, and building overpasses.

  People talked about widespread violation of traffic laws and raised concerns about pedestrians disregarding traffic lights, which will be a continuous action to improve road safety, making pedestrians follow the traffic laws.




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