
高考英语满分作文 我们应该看重诚信还是看重能力 We should value honesty or value ability

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  你认为公司这种做法对吗 当今社会,我们应该看重诚信还是看重能力 请根据这一件事件选择其中某一种观点,结合你身边的事例,写一篇100词左右的短文,谈谈你的看法,重点表述你持某种观点的理由,题目自拟.

  参考词汇:文凭 diploma 诚信 honesty

  Possible versions:

  Honesty Comes First

  I think it is right to fire her, though she is now good at the job. Her fake diploma does help her, but it also does harm to others. It is unfair for others to compete in the job hunting. So I think honesty should come first. Nowadays, more and more students tend to cheat in exams. I think it is a serious problem. Though you can get higher marks and be praised by others, you should clearly realize that it does do harm to others and even yourself. The fame is temporary and you won't get real knowledge.

  In a word, we should be honest and honesty must come first.

  Society Calls For Honesty

  Personally, I am in favor of the company's decision on firing the woman. Abilities are not always the most important, though one's personality of being honest is what really matters. If the woman was not laid off, no one could guarantee that she wouldn't go against honesty any more.

  Society calls for honesty. When accepting someone as a friend, one will always take his honesty, rather than abilities into account. However, some of our own actions are the same case with that young woman. Take cheating in exams for example. Have you ever cheated in exams Most of your answers to this question, I think, are " yes", but the marks are really worth selling your honesty out

  A fake diploma will not always help, but the personality of being honest will go with you forever and make things smooth. Now have you attached importance to honesty Have you made up your mind to be an honest man .








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本文标题:高考英语满分作文 我们应该看重诚信还是看重能力 We should value honesty or value ability - 高考英语作文_高考英语作文万能模板_高考英语满分作文范文


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