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  With the approach of Shanghai World Expo, what has caused the public concern is whether the local government should follow Beijing to take strict measures to restrict the use of private cars during the Olympics to solve the serious traffic problems.

  Shanghai experts have voiced different opinions about it, I hold that current traffic situation should be improved. First, as more and more private cars flood into cities, city services and facilities have been strained to a breaking point. Shanghai, the host city of the Expo, has been exposed not only to the problem of increasing population, but to the problem of the overcrowded traffic. A second problem is the physical environment. The growing number of private cars, whose exhaust sends huge quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, makes the air of cities unbreathable.

  All the action the committee will adopt just reflects the theme of 2010 Shanghai World Expo"Better cities, better lives". So, what’s your choice?


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