A message to Mrs Zhu
This afternoon I called on Mrs Zhu to give her amessage. I told her that the conference had beendelayed until 15th and 16th. When I was at herhome, I met doctore John. After Mrs Ju madeintroduction for both of us, I knew the Doctor Johnwas from Guangzhou and was seeing to somepersonnel affairs in Beijing. We talked a while andsoon it was time for me to fetch my daughter fromshcool. And I said goodbye to both of them.
I was at my friend Mrs. Zhu's home when a man called on her this afternoon. Soon I knew thisman was Mr. Bob who came to tell Mrs Ju that the time for the conference was changed to the15th and 16th of this month. Being introduced we began to talk with each other. I told Mr. Bobthat I came to see just some of my personnel affairs. Mr. Bob didn't stay long because he wasgoing to pick up his daughter from school, so we said goodbye and I told him that it was nice tomeet him.