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Online English Writing Community




  例:The bell is ringing now. 一般

  There goes the bell.特殊


  例: People suggest that the conference be put off.一般

  It is suggested that the conference be put off.特殊


  例: He is so kind that he can help me.一般

  He is so kind as to help me. 特殊


  例: 1 She walked out of the lab and many students followed her.一般

  Followed by many students, she walked out of the lab.特殊

  2 Once it is seen, it can never be forgotten.一般

  Once seen, it can never be forgotten. 特殊

  五、使用 v-ing

  1 When he arrives,please give me an e-mail.一般

  On arriving /his arrival ,please give me an e-mail.特殊

  2 If the weather permits ,I will come tomorrow.一般

  I will come tomorrow, weather permitting. 特殊


  1.It disappointed everybody that

  he didn’t turn up.一般

  The fact that he did n’ t turn up

  disappointed everybody.特殊

  2.I happened to have met him.一般

  It happened that I had met him. 特殊

  3.To his surprise, the little girl knows so many things.一般

  What surprises him is that the little girl knows so many things. 特殊


  例; The girl is spoken highly of. Her composition was well written.一般

  The girl whose composition was well written is spoken highly of. 特殊


  1.I won‘t believe what he says.一般

  No matter what he says, I won‘t believe.特殊

  2.If you come back before six o'clock, you can go out.一般

  You can go out on condition that you come back before six o'clock. 特殊

  3 If she doesn’t agree, what shall we do? 一般

  Supposing that she doesn’t agree, what shell we do ?特殊


  例: The ship didn't sink with all on board because there were the efforts of the captain.一般

  But for the efforts of the captain ,the ship would have sunk with all on board.特殊


  例:Though I'm weak I'll make the effort.一般

  Weak as I am, I'll make the effort.特殊


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