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  Hello! My name is Computer. Children and adults both like me because I do a lot of things for them.

  Children use me to do many things. They use me to play games, listen to music, watch television, talk with their friends and do their homework.

  Adults use me to do even more things. They watch worldwide news on the Internet, make free international phone calls, take pictures, buy stocks and other products, send E-mails, and do scientific research and other things. Seventy eight percent of the world has the Internet, and life becomes more convenient for people because of me.

  If you want to travel to other countries, I can help you find lots of ineresting places, help you buy airplane tickets and help you reserve a hotel.

  I also have lots of other functions. The police officers store information inside my memory; they only have to press the keyboard and they can catch the criminals very quickly.

  Scientists put me into robots so that I am able to do many dangerous things which humans cannot. I can also drive cars, boats, airplanes, satellites and spaceships. Of course I have weaknesses: It costs a lot of money to buy me, and if I became damaged, it costs a lot of money to repair me.

  Though I am very smart and useful, I am still constantly developing. If you get to know me better, I can be a good friend to you. (from

  【评析】本文作者用第一人称介绍了“我”——电脑的种种用途。文章思路开阔,内容丰富,显示出了小作者对电脑的充分了解。开头部分“Hello! My name is Computer”这种口语化的语言非常生动。


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