
高中英语作文:驼峰航线(the Hump)

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  2014年高考英语考试已经结束,新一轮的高考复习又将开始。面临2015年高考,考生应该如何复习高考英语这个考试科目呢?高考网汇总整理《高中英语作文:驼峰航线(the Hump)》,供2015年高考考生参考。

  高中英语作文:驼峰航线(the Hump)

  The construction of the Burma Road over forbidding, monsoon-swept terrain was an astonishing feat. No less impressive, though, was the other way from India into China during World War II, both before and after the land route was opened. Goods traveled via an airlift that became known as the Hump, and the accomplishments of those who kept the Hu将mp route up and runsupplies were transported ning are truly remarkable.


  From the spring of 1942 until the war ended in August 1945, pilots' skills were tested as they crossed towering mountains in abysmal circumstances—violent turbulence, Japanese airfire, dreadful weather, malfunctioning airplanes—and with little sleep. Planes took off around the clock from any of 13 bases in northeastern India, landing about 500 miles (800 kilometers) later at one of 6 airfields in China. Most of the planes and pilots belonged to the Air Transport Command, and some men flew as many as three round-trips a day.


  In his book Flying the Hump: Memories of an Air War, former Hump pilot and journalist Otha C. Spencer quotes one pilot's typically harrowing experience in the air. "We encountered a solid cold front at 16,000 feet (5,000 meters). Suddenly the entire plane began to vibrate…ice had built up on our props and we were unable to break it loose.… I ordered the crew to prepare for bail out and I would remain and try to get rid of the ice…the crew elected to remain with the plane…we had dropped into a river valley…suddenly it sounded as if the engines were coming apart.… We had entered the warm air and the clubbing props were letting loose large chunks of ice…we were still flying, just skimming the treetops at 9,800 feet (2,900 meters)…at Kunming the aircraft was grounded, as the entire fuselage in line with both props was literally demolished…our cargo had been explosives…another normal day."

  前驼峰飞行员,后来做了记者的Otha C. Spencer在他的著作《飞越驼峰:空战回忆录》中,引述飞行员在空中典型的惨痛经验。“我们在5000米的时候遇上强劲冷锋。突然间整架飞机开始震动……螺旋桨结了冰,甩也甩不掉……我下令组员准备跳伞,我则留下来设法除冰……组员决定与飞机共存亡……我们坠向山谷……突然间引擎听起来好像要四分五裂了……我们进入温暖的空气中,冻结的螺旋桨掉下大块的冰……我们还在飞,高度2900米并擦过树梢……飞机在昆明降落,整个机身和两个螺旋桨几乎全毁……我们载的货物是炸药……又过了有惊无险的一天。

  In all, some 650,000 tons (600,000 metric tonnes) of supplies were ferried to China over the Hump, but at a cost: More than 600 planes and 1,000 lives were lost in the airlift.



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